Since I didn't get to the pool yesterday I woke up this morning with my only plan being to lay out at the pool. I got there at 10am and ended up staying 4 hours. It was a perfect day for laying out and I had the pool to myself until 1pm. For a while I floated on my back and just watched the sky and listened to myself breathing. It kind of reminded me of when I would go scuba diving and the only noise you hear is yourself breathing. It has an amazing calming affect. However, 4 hours in the sun may have been a bit much. My face feels really hot and I can't really have the A/C on because I keep getting the chills. I don't remember the last time I was this tan and I keep getting comments about how tan I am. Being tan does somehow make me feel better about myself.
One of the things that I have been doing while at the pool is reading. I used to love to read and would read a book a week, but the last few years I have struggled to complete a book. It feels good to escape in a book and forget about my worries once again. I think I may head out to Barnes & Noble this weekend and find a couple other good books to read. Speaking of the weekend...is anyone else as excited as I am that it's a short week?
Tans are nice and all but BE CAREFUL!! You don't want skin cancer down the road. Use that sunscreen. :)
I want to tan but I turn redder then a lobster.I am excited its a short week maybe the people that share this house with me wont be so busy.
Just keep on bragging about being in the sun--I'm pretty comfortable getting my tan on the course and don't have to worry about getting fried.
I am very excited! LOL. Since I have the summers off it doesn't really matter. But it will be fun to have others to play with for a long weekend. I'm trying to read more books right now as well. Keep me posted on your latest!
I buy you books, and all you do is eat the covers!! Not good for the skin, girl! Yes, listen to Casey and use sunscreen. You'll still tan.
Reading .... after grad school it took me several years to enjoy reading again. Even then, I read a little and was distracted, would return a few days later, only to be distracted again. I'm still battling it. My mind wanders and I think I have to put a load of wash or run the vacuum or whatever. I think grad school gave me ADD!!
Yes being tan makes me feel better too. I always say tanned fat looks better than pasty white fat LOL
I LOVE the cartoon! Seriously!
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