Saturday, January 05, 2008

Sophie Talking

I know from the pictures I share of Sophie, she seems like a very sweet and calm dog. 90% of the time she is, but here is a gimpse of how she is the other 10% of the time. And just an FYI....she is like this every time something moved in the backyard; even if it is just a leaf.

P.S. Not sure what's up with my voice. It sounds really deep in the video.


yankeegirl said...

Love Sophie-dog!

Lynilu said...

Uh, no, that's your voice! You usually hear it inside your head. We hear it outside! That is you!!!

You'd better check her paws for burns!!

Lynilu said...

BTW, you should have seen Ali when I played that! He was looking all around the room!! Now he is at the front door, wanting to go find Sophie and you!!!

Minnesota Nice said...

How fun to hear both your voices! So fun to see her in action, too. Sophie needs to work on her 'inside voice' though.

Holly said...

LOVE IT!!! Funny dog.
What's wrong with your voice?!?!?