Sunday, December 30, 2007

Your Wish

Before I go into my wishes for the New Year, I want to hear from you guys.

If you could see one thing happen to me in 2008 , it would be ____________________.


Anonymous said...

If I could see one thing happen to you in 2008 it would be that you become content with what you have or don't have at any given moment. Trust that you are where you're supposed to be at that precise second in time and know that your life is on the track it needs to be on.

Lynilu said...

I'd like to see you have peace. You've had enough of that other crap.

Julie said...

lynilu always beats me here and says it best-:)

Monogram Queen said...

Financial & Emotional Stability :)

Wendy aka Cheeky said...


Kerry said...

I will finally graduate from college!

Bella said...

I don't have anything to add. Everyone else has left you great wishes.

Minnesota Nice said...

I wish you would win the lottery. Seriously!

One Messed Up Chick said...

I agree with happiness :)

Audra said...

I agree with lynilu, but I also hope you come into some more stable conditions!

Luna said...

I wish that you come into a windfall of financial gain!

While money problems aren't the worse you can have they do weigh heavily on your mind.

OTHER than that I wish you to have at least one awesome, wowing vacation trip this year.

A social worker in the making. said...

to hit the lottery and make laura so jealous

SassyFemme said...

That you win a lottery!