Sunday, November 04, 2007

Sunday Morning Walk

This morning Sophie and I went for a walk. I know she had really enjoyed all the walks she went on when we were living with MG. I was reminded why I hate walking in my neighborhood. Within a few minutes the dog from next door was following us and doing nothing but barking. It's a small dog and Sophie could have clearly eaten this dog with one bite, but I hate how most of my neighbors ignore the leash law. We passed a few houses where there were dogs chained up and one of them I thought was going to break off it's chain and come after us. From now on Sophie and I will have to go to the park to walk.
I took my camera with me to capture some of the pretty fall colors. Do you know how hard it is holding a camera still when you have a dog that does not want to stop?

On our walk we passed several houses that are in foreclosure. Being the nosey neighbor that I am I walked right up to several of them to see if I could see inside. This house was suppose to be auctioned off, but with the sign up I am guessing they did not get any buyers. Opening bid...$1000 and the house is not sold? That's pretty bad. If a house won't even sell for $1000, I guess I should not be surprised that my house is not selling.
I went in the backyard of this house because I can see it from my house and I wondered how bad the backyard actually was. It was disgusting and I swear something bit me on the leg. There was so much junk and trash in the backyard. Several windows were knocked out, beer cans all over the backyard and lots of fast food wrappers. I wonder if someone is actually staying in the house?

It's sad that so many people have neglected their houses. My neighborhood used to be so nice and I hope one day people start taking more pride in their homes.


Audra said...

Wow, that is a cheap house. My mom is trying to get out of her neighborhood. All the houses around her are turning to crap, and she wants to get out before the value of her house goes down even more. :/

Sphincter said...

Eek. That is a scary backyard, and I don't have high standards.

Caroline said...

audra--laura and i thought about sellign this house 2 years ago and now i am wishing we had. sadly the value of my house has gone down in the last year. ugh

sphincter--lol. and that house is probably the best of the worst. the others were just too scary to go into.

SassyFemme said...

I think neighborhoods go through phases. It's just sad that yours is not in a good one right now. That back yard is a nightmare!

Monogram Queen said...

I hope people start taking more pride in their homes again too. It is just to sad. The housing markeet sucks majorly. Wishing the best for you and Soph Caroline!

Lynilu said...

Yuck, that yard is awful! I think I know which one it is. If no one is buying it, the inside must be just awful! I wish you had moved a while back, too. I really hate for you to be there now. However, next year is just around the corner, and Perhaps it holds a new trend for you, dear girl. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Be ready to list it ASAP!!