I went out to breakfast with a friend of mine and it was nice having one of my IRL friends understand what I am feeling. I have one friend that just doesn't get it and that is OK, but that doesn't make me any less sad.
I was thinking yesterday how in the last 8 months I have gone from being in a house with 5 cats and one dog to now a very quiet house of 2 cats and one dog. That's a lot of goodbyes in one year. I have such a big empty feeling in my heart that Brady once filled. And I swear my mind is playing tricks on me. I keep thinking that I see him. All of last night I would think I saw him and look and it was one of the other cats. Then out of nowhere today I realized that I no longer need to buy the expensive cat food I had been buying. Brady had a very sensitive stomach and I was buying food that was easy on his stomach. It makes me sad that I no longer have to buy that food. Each time I come in the door I think of Brady. He always wanted to go outside, but because of my crazy neighborhood he rarely was outside. I hope wherever he is now he is running out in the open and eating lots of grass. :)
I took the above picture this afternoon of my favorite tree. I love the bright red it turns in the fall. This is the first year that I have been able to use my fancy camera for a close up shot. I am sure in a few weeks all the leaves will be gone and before I know it snow will be covering the tree. I can't wait for the first snow. Speaking of winter-Christmas: two local radio stations have already started playing Christmas music. One started on Halloween and the other the next day. I am not sure what is crazier...the fact they are already playing Christmas music or the fact that I am listening to it.
Love the picture of the leaves. Very, very nice!
Yeah, your life has changed a whole lot. A lot of sadness, but some new beginnings, too. Keep a positive focus, because this won't last forever. I promise.
I wonder if Casey and Mai Lin have greeted Brady. I've wondered in the past if Tigger and Anna were there for Echo, and then all three of them for Mai Lin. Isn't it reassuring to think they are?
Glad you had a friend to have breakfast with. It does help a lot, doesn't it? About the Christmas music ... I know those 2 stations, and I think they get it going earlier every year, trying to be the first. I love the music, but it gets goofy at times!
Have a good weekend. Hugs.
I just got on your site today. I'm sorry to hear about cat. I fully understand the pain of losing a pet. They are family. take care.
Beautiful pictures.
Caroline when I lost Flash (our basset) I thought I was losing my mind because for WEEKS I would hear him scratching at the backdoor to come in and actually went and opened it many times. I would catch glimpses of him here and there also. I think it is the mind seeing what it misses and wants to desperately to see. I agree with Lynilu that other pets who Brady knew and loved were there to make his transition easier.
I'm glad you were able to have breakfast with a friend who understands. For those who don't. Oh well. You can't MAKE them but it's sad that they don't get it. I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and your fur family today.
lynilu--it does bring some comfort to me knowing that Casey and Mai Lin (and many others) are there to greet Brady. getting out this morning did help and so did some comfort food from Cracker Barrel. :)
brenda--thank you for your comment. brady had a very good and loving life here with me and the other pets.
patti--i feel sorry for the ones that don't understand a pets love. it is the purest love i have ever felt. thank you for all the good thoughts the last couple of days. they are appreciated.
I'm sorry that I'm just now offering my condolence for your loss. I truly know what you're going through, and it breaks my heart.
Thinking of you, my dear.
Don't say the S word.
syd--thanks for the good thoughts
katie--snow, snow, snow, snow, snow. :)
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