Friday, November 02, 2007


Thank you for all your kind comments. I felt each hug that was sent to me. Thank you.

When I got off work I went home and spent about an hour with Brady. Brady was always wanting to go outside, so this afternoon I let him spent about 30 minutes in the yard. He really enjoyed all the grass he ate.

I decided not to put him in the crate for the car ride. He really likes riding in the car and loves it when he is able to look out the window. So I put him on the passenger seat and true to form, he looked out the window the entire drive. It's not too often that you see a cat looking out a car window as you drive by.

When it was time I put my head right in front of his and looked him in the eyes. I was the last thing he saw before he became still. I am not sure how to say this, but it was amazingly beautiful.

Before I left the vet gave me a clear Christmas ball that was filled with some of Brady's fur. They then wrote his name and 2007 on it. They did this when my dog Casey passed away and I put it on the tree each year. I like having this remembrance for Brady and Casey.

I was reminded today that things happen for a reason. There is a reason I couldn't find a home for Brady when I thought I was moving. He needed these 4 months with me and I am forever thankful for the 11 years I had with him.


Parker said...

Your friends in O Hi O weep for Brady and for you. We will ask our "ones who came before" to show him around the Bridge.
Bless you for being with him as he crossed.

Anonymous said... sorry for what you had to go through....You made his last days as pleasant and as comfortable as possible. All your memories will be happy ones.


Casey said...

I'm glad you were able to be right there with him and send him onto his journey with so much love. I know it's hard and I know your heart is breaking. I wish you peace in the memories you have of him.


Aliecat said...

I'm so sorry for your late cat, Spike, welcomes your baby...

Lynilu said...

Ohh, I'm so sad with you, but what a cool few hours you gave him. I'm going to call you. Sorry, sweetheart. I know how badly it hurts.

Anonymous said...

Oh Caroline I am so sorry to hear about Brady. You were a good momma to him! Be gentle with yourself this weekend. Big hugs from TX.


Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie. I'm sorry. This makes me weepy. It's hard to lose a beloved hard. I love the idea of the Christmas ornament. Wow. Peace to you my dear.

Julie said...

Thinking of you.

SassyFemme said...

{{{{ Caroline }}}}

Minnesota Nice said...

Yes, that last moment is beautiful - I get a feeling of completion, that I was there right to the end. Well done - you couldn't have done better.

I like the Christmas ball idea your vet does, that's unique. Mine makes a little pawprint impression into dough, that you can take home, bake, and then hang from a ribbon. Good vets make all the difference.

Bella said...

Thinking of you.

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

I thought about you all day yesterday. And will continue to do so.

Monogram Queen said...

Sandra said it is a beautiful experience but I am such an awful selfish coward I have not been there in that way for my pets. It's always my poor Dad.
How beautiful the vet's office did that for you and how sweet that you let Brady go outside as he loved and rode in the car the way he liked. You are an awesome pet Mom Caroline. Such a great heart.

B said...

You showed with all of your actions today that you completely gave your heart to Brady. It's the best sign of being a Mom and you did a great job, even though it was so painful for you.

Take care of yourself and do what you need to do to get through the worst of the longing. I'm thinking of you. Call me if you need anything.

Holly said...

I'm very sorry that I didn't know Brady was gone. I am so very sorry. You have been blessed to have him in your life.