Saturday, November 10, 2007

First Step

I am depressed.

Saying those words makes it real now. It means that I need to do something about it. I have been telling myself that I am just dealing with a horrible break-up and it's OK to be down, but it's been 8+ months now and this is no longer about the break-up.

Seeing a therapist a couple times a month is not enough. My therapist John and I have talked about me going to see a psychiatrist to get evaluated. Trying to figure out how to come up with the $50 co-pay only makes me more depressed. How in the world did I get to this point where I am having trouble coming up with $50?

I've admitted that I am depressed and I just need to figure out what to do now.


Luna said...

Therapy and anti-depressants maybe the trick but for an inexpensive trick here's waht I do:

Try to spend at least 20 minutes sitting quietly in the sun.

Tkae Sophie out in the yard and throw a tennis ball for 10 minutes

Have a good support system of friends that you can call when you need a shoulder.

Change your eating habits. Add in more veggies and lean protein.

Of course everyone says excerise- but for it is take time for you! Do something you enjoy when youg et down (ie a hot bubble bath with a good book and soak for hours (reheating water as it cools))

I'm always available to email if you need someone! Believe it or not I do know what you are going through.

Audra said...

Jaded Mama came up with some great ideas.

Do you have any colleges in your area? Sometimes they have psychiatric programs where the grad students can help you, and those are generally lower in cost?

Lynilu said...

Just do what you have to to find peace. I know that coming up with the $50 is a roadblock, but you'll find a way, I'm pretty sure. Some of those suggestions from Jaded Mama are good, and I'll bet a bunch of your other readers have some, too.

The sun is *very* important to help lessen depression. Get out in it AT LEAST 20 minutes a day, and 3 10 minute session would be excellent. Close your eyes and turn your face to the sun, if possible. and just sit.

Do you know any yoga? If so, use that. It is wonderful for this cause. Even just one small piece can be helpful.

Do you remember the guided imagery exercises from school? Use them for yourself by planning a "trip" to a favorite place at least once a day. If you don't remember them, I'll try to find the instructions and send them to you.

In your diet, try to minimize sugar. Increase water intake. Eat smaller amounts more frequently. Nosh through the day if you can rather than eating "meals."

Limit TV time. It takes time when you could be taking a walk, spending time with your 4-legger therapists, and it is a wall against being with people. You need to be around people as much as possible.

Go to a mall and just walk around. While you're doing that ... smile at people. You'll be surprised at how smiling will make you feel better, and then when someone smiles back, it is even better. Say "Good morning," "How are you," or just "Hello" a few times.

A warm soak for your feet does wonders, too. Massage lots of lotion in after the soak. Ahhh.

Find your old journal and get going on it again. List a blessing in your life every day. A different one each day.

Smile. Yep, just that. SMILE. While you're driving, smile. While you're walking around at work, smile. When you go grocery shopping, smile. Sitting around the house, smile. Yeah, I know it sounds/feels strange, but it will help your body to release the right "stuff" (you know all that stuff about endorphins and synapses, etc.) to feels better. If you need something to smile about, count your blessings again. Or think of Steve Martin in one of his goofy routines. Or think of Arthur Spooner! You don't have to walk around looking silly with a huge grin, just a little smile will help. An added bonus ... it might rub off on people around you a little, and then the smile will become easier.

You can call me any time you need to. Or email. Or whatever you need. And given this news, I'm going to encourage you to take off Tuesday and come see me. I know, I know! But it might be easier to tackle the tough stuff if you have a day of relaxation away from routines. Just sayin'.

Kim said...

I was terrified of taking antidepressants before I went on them, and I managed to resist for probably 10 years and insisted on cognitive therapy alone. Then it got to a point where I was miserable and felt out of control all of the time, and I started Lexapro. I've been on it for about 8 months now, and I've never felt better in my life. I look back now and just think about all the grief that I went through that I didn't have to!

All of the above suggestions are great! But sometimes can be easier said than done...taking my meds made it easier for me to find motivation to take steps to get out of the depression.

Does that make any sense??

Not everyone needs it, but it exists for those of us who do. The $50 will come up. It will.

Bella said...

Mint chocolate, chocolate chip cookies are helping me.

Seriously, you've already had some great suggestions, if you need to chat you know where to find me.

A social worker in the making. said...

talk to your family dr.And follow all of the suggestions listed here tell yourself that you are loved

Annie Z said...

We do seem to have a lot in common. It's been nearly 8 months since my break up as well. I went on anti-depressants nearly two months ago. Super duper herbal ones. I didn't want to take prescription meds. They have helped. Two nights ago though, I forgot my dose and woke up in the middle of the night worse than ever. It has taken me two days to get back to bearable. I won't forget another dose again.

Everyone has given you wonderful advice. I need to take note of it all myself. It's not always easy to do it all when you are in the depression though!

Thinking of you at this time and hoping you find your way through.

Caroline said...

Everyone: thank you so much for the wonderful ideas. I really think if I was move active then I would feel better. I feel better even after just mowing the yard. Now I just need to find that motivation to get out and start moving. Thank you again.

Lynilu said...

:)) I forgot to tell you to mow the lawn!! I didn't remember how that helps you!

Caroline said...

lynilu--i only have about 2 more times to mow the yard since the weather is changing. but i will enjoy it as much as i can right now.

Monogram Queen said...

Admitting it is the first step.