Thursday, November 08, 2007

Don't Go Away Mad....

....Just go Away!!!

I got a call this morning from the agency that notifies you when your house is going to be shown. This is the first time I got a call from them. I was kind of shocked, but had enough sense to ask who the realtor was. Turns out it was my Mom's sister who is a realtor. This isn't a distant aunt that I barely knew, but someone that was like a second Mother to me. I informed the agency that I did not want her showing the house, if she even had someone to show the house to. I am guessing my family is just being nosey and wants to see what the inside of the house looks like now.

I then decided to drive home anyway to make sure that my aunt did not show up. And because I am so good with remembering numbers, I called my aunt on her cell phone. When she answered I told her who I was and would you believe she had the nerve to say, "Who?". When she realized who I was I asked her if she actually had someone to show the house to or if she just wanted to see the inside. She said she did have an investor that would like to see the house. I told her that is fine, but she would need to arrange it with my realtor because I would need to be there. Her response was, "it will be your loss." I am guessing this so-called investor is my Mom. I emailed my realtor and gave him her name and said I would need to be there if she ever wants to show the house.

I don't bother them. I have accepted that they want nothing to do with me and find my life disgusting. But why do they keep popping up in my life when I least expect it. I wish they would just leave me alone.

I called Lynilu to tell her what was going on and we kind of laughed about how happy I am that I am not related to them by blood. I know my birth mom probably suffered from depression and I would much rather deal with a mental illness then a personality disorder. Because here's the thing: you can treat a mental illness, but there is no treatment for someone with a fucked up personality.


Kelly Lopez said...

Caroline - you can file a complaint with the Kansas City Area Association of REATLORS by calling 913-498-1100. They can audit her history on the MLS system (the database that houses home information) and see what she is doing with your house, as well as force her to provide documentation of what her intentions were and who this mystery investor is.

She's a piece of work and this is a blatant violation of the Realtor code of ethics.

Bella said...

Seriously, is it wrong I'm laughing at your last little paragraph?

Caroline said...

kelly--thank you so much for this information. i just got an email from my realtor saying that she called this morning because she was interested in buying it as an investment. what a fucking liar. you are right..she is a piece of work..

katie--gotta find humor in this somehow. :)

Deb said...

God I'm so sorry for what you went through. So is it your mother who wants to buy your house? Be strong and just stand your ground. There's a reason for everything---I totally believe that. I'm not sure why they're doing this if they think your life is "digusting". Why do they think that anyway? (Maybe I'm being way too nosey here.)

Anyway, my thoughts and prayers are with you! Hang in there!

Caroline said...

deb--all of my family are Jehovah's Witnesses', so they feel that because I am gay I am disgusting and vile. thanks for the prayers.

One Messed Up Chick said...

Let your mom buy the house for a million dollars LOL Sorry I shouldnt be laughing but your family is something else. Just remember you have online family that loves ya!

Annie Z said...

I'm so sorry to hear of the difficulties you have with your family. Personally I am disgusted at their behaviour, not yours. And also at their attitudes. What happened to unconditional love that is meant to come with faith? What happened to accepting others for who they are and for us all being children of God? What happened to loving your children no matter what they do?

Good for you for sticking to the true beautiful Self that you are. I wouldn't be letting them anywhere near the house or you. Take care of you and your emotions.


Caroline said...

eye--a part of me thinks what they are doing is so odd that you can't help but laugh, but then there is a huge part of me that is just deeply hurt and sad.

annie--thank you for the encouraging words. my realtor knows now my aunts name and he knows not to let her in the house.

Lynilu said...

I'll just say ... you go girl!!!

Ace of Spades said...

LOL, you tell them.

Julie said...

Ok, is there NOTHING to do on their side of town but bother the hell out of you? WTF?

Monogram Queen said...

Amen sister Amen!

Minnesota Nice said...

If your family is anything like mine, I can answer the question of WHY they keep interfering. You aren't letting them have CONTROL of you, and that drives them crazy. They desperately want control, how sad to be them.