Monday, October 29, 2007

Now I Know

I think I figured out why I slept so much this past weekend.

Late this afternoon I started feeling sick. My throat started hurting, when I talk I sound congested, my ear is hurting, my head feels like it's 100 pounds and I have a horrible headache.

I am hoping that all the rest I got this weekend helped a little and I won't be that sick. I hope that and then I am reminded of where I work. You have no idea how many germs I come into contact on a daily basis. It's really scary.

It's only 9:20pm, but I am about to fall asleep.



Lynilu said...

I hope this is a fast passing bug or whatever. Get all the rest you can! Hugs winging your way!

Casey said...

Feel better soon!

Caroline said...

lynilu--i think it's helping that i am getting lots of sleep. i slept for 9 hours last night and don't feel any worse this morning. how i feel come 5pm will be another story.


Holly said...

uh oh. I hope you feel better soon.

Bella said...

I hope the sickies pass you by. They are no fun.

Monogram Queen said...

I hope you are feeling better honey! How come so many germs where you work? (i'm nosey)

Kerry said...

Hope you are better!

Shannon said...

Hope you feel better soon Caroline.