Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Something to think about....

I often find myself worrying about money. Ever since March my financial life has completely changed. I went from a two income household to one. Oh, and being left with all the bills has not helped either. So, things have been very tight around my house lately.

The thought of selling my house and moving into a 2 bedroom duplex that is not in the best condition was kind of making me sad and a little ashamed. I kept telling myself that I am 34 and I should own my own house and not have significant money problems like I currently do.

A week ago when I went to church with S. the sermon seemed just for me. It discussed how we don't have to keep up with our neighbors and that we should be thankful for what we do have. But the line that really hit home was: 80% of the people in the world would change places with us.

Wow, kind of makes you think doesn't it. Here I am complaining because at the end of the month I only have $450 left over after all the bills are paid.

I am thankful that at the end of the day I have a nice car to drive home in, I have a nice house to keep me cool at night, I have a fridge and cabinets filled with more then enough food for at least a couple weeks.

I am thankful and I need to start acting more like I am.


Holly said...

Our pastor talked about the same thing last week. How we are in this tiny percentage of the population that has change in our pockets at the end of the day.
I then reevaluate my unrest about living in a nice condo in a not-so-nice neighborhood and remind myself that we have cars, a computer, health insurance and air conditioning. Life is good, right?

It is not easy to go from two incomes down to one especially when the bills are all left on you. Don't be ashamed. This is another step in your transformation into this amazing, independent, strong Caroline.

You are doing well my friend!

Casey said...

You have $450 left over after all the bills are paid? I'd consider that *very* fortunate. :) Even though we don't come close to that I always try to remember how lucky we are for having all we do and that we have a roof over our heads and food for the table. We have health care and all our bills are paid. So there isn't enough to take a nice vacation or buy something extravagant and yeah, I wouldn't be human if sometimes I got down about that BUT I am lucky for all that I DO have and CAN do. Money worries never go away. I think that, no matter how much you have there are always worries about it. Hang in there - youa re doing fabulous at taking care of everything.

Caroline said...

holly--it really isn't easy to adjust to the loss of one income on top of all the other emotional crap that comes with it.

casey--out of that $450 i do have to get groceries, gas and any entertainment i want to do. i am finding cleaver ways of going on not expensive dates without going into a lot of detail about my financial situation.

yankeegirl said...

Caroline- I agree with you, I'm in the same place, I'm 43 and on my own for the first time in my life, and it is daunting. I'm only working part time, and I'm in college(still an undergrad). So to say I'm behind where most people my age are is an understatement. But like you, I'm thankful that I have an apartment and a car to drive and food to eat. It helps to remember those things when you see your peers in newer or bigger cars/houses. It doesn't necessarily mean they are happier. I know it's not fun when finances are tight- but it will get better!

Jen said...

I too have to remind myself from time to time that I should be grateful for what I have instead of dwelling on what I don't have. I'm 35 and still rent an apartment..I would like to own a house, but things so far haven't worked out that way, and I'm fine with that for now. I'm just glad I have a roof over my head, food to eat, my health, and a job to pay my bills. It's hard sometimes to focus on the positive, but I know that things could be much much worse! :)

Anonymous said...

Caroline, thank you for posting this. I don't have that much left at the end of the month however I always have what I need for myself and my daughters. Thanks for the reminder.

jenmaree said...

What a great reminder! Thanks Caroline!

Minnesota Nice said...

I love this reminder, thanks! It's true, even when I'm down to waiting for payday for a few days, that's nothing. We should never take all of our luxuries OR necessities for granted.

Bella said...

Money is such a hard thing. However, perspectives keep it all in line. We all have a roof over our head, vehicles to get where we need to be, internet to connect us with our friends near and far. Many people only wish they were as lucky as us. Even when we feel down and out, we are still pretty lucky.

Jamie said...

Thanks for the reminder...we all need a kick in the pants now and then....

Patti_Cake said...

We all need a little wake-up call like this every once in awhile. You must do what is right for YOU!