Saturday, August 04, 2007


Part of the reason that I went to see a lawyer was because the people that were suppose to move in have demanded their deposit back. They don't seem to understand that since they pulled out of the deal they loose their deposit.

The lawyer did say that the people did breach the contract by informing me on Wednesday that they were not moving in. Because I do not have that in writing from them (stupid me) they may still take me to court. But the lawyer thinks that I would have a very good chance of winning considering all the circumstances. I guess now it's just a wait and see.

I also spoke to this lawyer about the situation with Laura and the house. I am pretty much screwed because there is no contract between me and Laura. The contract is between the mortgage company and us as individuals. Just another reason that I am so angry that gay/lesbians are not protected under the law the same way a married couple is.

I am going over my options for the house. All I know is I can not afford to stay here by myself. And even if I could afford it, I want to move out. I need to leave this house in order to get that fresh start I have so desperately been wanting. Now if I can just sell the house before it goes into foreclosure.

I have not heard from Laura since Thursday, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I just have one word for her: Karma.

Oh, and one other thing. I hope Laura's new victim, Sharon, is paying close attention to all of this. Not if, but when Laura leaves Sharon she needs to make sure that she is protected legally against all the games Laura plays. Laura has so many tricks up her sleeves it's not even funny. She is an expert at financially ruining people.

But here's the thing: I may be down right now, but I will never be out. I will recover from this; one way or another. I am just happy that I have gone through all of this with a clean conscience.

And let me just say that one word again: KARMA.


yankeegirl said...

Caroline- That's one of the reasons I want to be an attorney. The emotional and financial costs of not having the protections and rights that straights take for granted is huge.
I'm glad you saw an attorney. you are doing all the right things. Hang in there!

Parker said...

Karma is a bad Mo Fo. Just let it do it's thing to her.
Oh, O Hi O is very nice. We like our new home. More later.

Caroline said...

yankeegirl--you are so right. this exact situation was different when my ex-husband walked out. i was protected under the law. right now i feel "out there on my own" with no protection.

parker--so true about karma. i have decided to "let go and let God" about the whole laura situation. and to be feels great to let go completely. glad you like ohio.

Bella said...

Best of luck dealing with all of this. Yes, I believe karma will come back to kick some people right in the butt!

Caroline said...

katie--thanks for the wish of luck. i am confident that it will all work out exactly the way it's suppose to.

Lynilu said...

Uh-huh! You don't have to do anything except let Laura's own karma take care of her.You won't be around to see it, but being free of her is enough, I think. Good luck, dear.

Patti_Cake said...

You are so right baby, you may be down but you surely are not out.
It makes me angry too that gay people aren't afforded the same legalities i.e. that married straight people have. It's just not right!

Caroline said...

lynilu--you are right..being free from her is good enough. ever since last thursday i feel so much more free.

patti--when my ex husband and i split he had to pay 1/2 the mortgage and utilities from the time he left until our divorce was final. it sucks that i am not protected in the same way.