Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wordless Wednesday (Sort Of)

Usually on Wordless Wednesday I just do a post with a picture, no words. But I feel that I need to write a little with this post. This morning Sophie cat made her journey down to Shreveport with Laura. Sophie has been depressed the last month or so and I know it's because she really missed Laura. So, it's good that she is with Laura, but I still miss her.

Sophie and I kind of got off to a rough start. Laura and I had been together for 8 months before she brought Sophie from her parents. Laura was concerned that Sophie would not be able to go up and down our stairs (she is a little, ok a lot overweight, plus she has bad hips from being hit by a car when she was younger) and also worried because Sophie had never been around other cats. So in January 2005 we decided to bring her to our house. A few weeks before she came to stay with us, Laura's Mom told us that Sophie had been to the vet and had an infection on her back leg. With her being so overweight her legs tend to rub together. Well, when we got her the infection was getting better, but it was made worse after a trip to the groomer. So, Sophie was put on antibiotics for 4 weeks. (it was a bad infection) I was the only one that was able to give Sophie her pills 3x a day. Because of this, Sophie decided she hated me. It's been a struggle ever since then to get on her good side.

I am sad to see Sophie cat leave, but know it's best for her to be with her Mom. I know she will be a lot happier now that she is with Laura again.

On another note: next month Laura is coming to get Bonk. She was going to take Bonk this trip, but decided driving 9+ hours with 2 cats would be too much. I am happy that I have one more month with Bonk. I can tell you this, that is going to be a very hard goodbye for me.


Anonymous said...

aww, I bet she will be missed. Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

It's sad to see a pet leave but happy to do what's in their best interest!

Anonymous said...

I used to have cats but now I feel better not to...I'm afraid that I don;t have enough time for them...

*Miss my cats*

JHS said...

Bless you for having the courage to make the right decisions in your life and seeing them through. Tough stuff. I will be back to read more.

Lavender said...

Beautiful kitty. Isnt it a strange situation to be in, when you know your making the right decision, but it still feels wrong somehow. Be good to yourself.
"Happy" WW, I played too.

Lynilu said...

:'( I know this is a tough time, but it is part of the preparation for moving on to bigger and better things.

BTW, the couple buying the house ... are they going to feed the strays?

Monogram Queen said...

At least you know they will be in good hands. What about Brady?

Anonymous said...

aww sorry you're losing your friends. :(

but great pic!

Happy WW! I Hope you'll come visit me & mine :)

Minnesota Nice said...

That is one fluffball cat - reminds of of a character from a book or something but I can't think what??

Anonymous said...

delurking We have three cats and 1 stray that my husband has made friends with she is a neighborhood cat the two neighbors beside us chipped in to get her spayed
my 3 cats have a spoiled life indoors with two dogs (although I think they liked it better without the dogs)

ICJ said...

Sorry to have to get separated...

Happy WW! :-)

Isabelle aka Tricotine