Monday, June 04, 2007

STL Part 2

Ok, since my last post was mainly pictures I thought I would tell you more about my weekend.

Friday morning at work was c-r-a-z-y. As I left for lunch I called STL and told her that the morning was crazy (and add that I had no sleep from working 2nd shift) and I told her that the afternoon was bound to slow down a little. Boy was I wrong. When I got back there was a message from one of my techs that was due to be into work in 90 minutes telling me she would not be able to make it in cause she was sick. I started calling people to see if they could work at the last minute and everyone I called (and I called everyone) said no and I think were even a few "hell no's" in there. I knew that if I couldn't find someone to cover her shift I was going to have to work until 8pm. Because the clients were going to an outside AA meeting we had to have 2 techs that could drive. Finally at the last minute I called someone and they said yes. Whew. I had already decided that if I had to work I was still going to drive to St. Louis when I got off. It would have been a long day, but well worth it.

I got on the road around 5:30pm. There seemed to be a little bit of traffic, but not too bad. I had been on the road for about 90 minutes when the pick up truck in front of me had a blow out. It really scared me. Thankfully the guy kept control of the car and managed to pull off the road. I wasn't that close, but I still had parts of his tire fly up onto my car. I took some cool pictures of the stormy sky that were just gorgeous. But I am saving those for Wordless Wednesday. I arrived in St. Louis just before 9pm.

Like I mentioned it is scary how much STL and I have in common. I just really enjoyed sitting and talking with her this weekend. It's nice being able to talk to someone and actually see their facial expression when you say something. We really didn't do that much because we were both so tired from the lack of sleep in the past week.

We had several conversations about which city is better: St. Louis or Kansas City. The two cities are like siblings that are constantly fighting. I am not sure where the whole competition started, but the two cities are major rivals in all areas. Sadly, she won all arguments when it came to the professional sports. (damn Chiefs and Royals) I did tell her that no matter how much I liked her I would always be a Chiefs fan. I know I will never hear the end of this, but I think I do like the Cardinals better then the Royals.

STL was suppose to come to Kansas City this weekend, but she is not able to make it to some plans she already had. So, Sophie and I are venturing back to St. Louis this weekend. So I can have a 3 day weekend I am working my regular hours on Thursday (830-5) and then I am going back to the office at midnight and will work until 8:30am. I am planning on going home after my first shift on Thursday to get some sleep. It's going to be a long drive, but luckily STL said she knows I will be tired and will probably come in and go right to bed.

Until next time.....


Lynilu said...

Oh, girl, be careful about burning your candles on both ends! I worry about you driving that gawd-awful highway if you are the least bit tired, because it is SO dangerous!! But I hope you have a good weekend. It is god to have a face to look at when you are conversing, isn't it? Be happy!

Monogram Queen said...

I am so happy for you Caroline. I pray this is the one for you that brings you much happiness and joy.

Holly said...

Good for you! I'm just catching up on your weekend!