Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Job?

Well, I think I may have a job. I got several calls this morning from my references saying that they got calls from this agency looking into my references. Usually they only call your references when they are about to offer you a job. So, we'll see what today and tomorrow brings. Laura asked me if I wanted to hear from them today and I said "no" because I wanted to enjoy one more day before knowing that I do have a job. Make sense?? Like I said the good thing is the job doesn't start for one month. It will probably be the best month of my life. There is nothing better then a few weeks off knowing you have a job at the end of that month. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

I will say that I will miss spending my mornings with Robin Roberts from Good Morning America. I first noticed her during Hurricane Katrina. I remember her reporting from Mississippi and being so upset at the devastation and not being able to get in contact with her family that lived in the area. While on the air she got word that her family was ok. She could barely speak because she was so upset. I don't know if it's just me or not, but is anyone else's gaydar going off? Both Laura and I think that there is a pretty good chance that she is gay. But we could be wrong.


Rose of Sharon said...

Robin Roberts has always pinged for me on the gaydar. I keep researching gay sites like afterellen and datalounge to see if anyone has inside info, but so far it's all just rumors amongst us folks.

I think she is gay, but I wonder if she knows it yet. You know what's funny? I keep telling Jen that I know who Robin's gf is....Mary Carrillo, the tennis sportscaster. She sounds EXACTLY like Robin.

Yeah, I'm making it up. It makes me feel better to know that Robin has someone.

I heart Robin Roberts.

Rose of Sharon said...

See, you got me all oogly about Robin and I forgot to say early congrats on the possible job offer. How's that for covering all bases? :)

Casey said...

I vote yes. :) I do like her. When Kelton was little, I had time to watch GMA but I seem to never have tv time in the AM anymore. I miss it. Glad you are enjoying it and congrats on the probable job! :)

Caroline said...

sharon--thanks for the early congrats. I am hoping i get the call tomorrow. i am getting nervous now. as for robin...both me and laura get all giddy about her in the mornings. it's wonderful to wake up to her..oh and laura too. :)

casey--oh, i am sorry that you are not able to watch gma in the am. robin seems to get better and better on tv. thanks for the early congrats.

Wendy and Karen said...

Here's my standard response that I think is appropriate when my gaydar goes off.... "if she's not gay, she should be"! :)

Hope the job offer comes through and it's everything you could hope for!

- Karen

Laura said...

Robin is mine, all mine so hands off.

Caroline said...

karen--i am also hoping the job is something i would enjoy doing. so far i think it would be

laura--you know that i introduced you to her, so that would make her mine...all mine.

Jolene George said...

I sure hope that new job is yours and especially hope you enjoy a whole month off! That will be so great for you.

Lynilu said...

Fingers crossed. check. Toes crossed. check. Eyes crossed. check. Legs crossed. che.... no, thoss that out. I gotta be able to pee! But wishing you get the job if it is in the stars!

SheA said...

OMG...Robin is my new Fantasy GIRL. I heart her so much I have a heart on