Tuesday, January 02, 2007


My brother called today with threats of taking me to court if I did not take down the pictures of nephew. To avoid any problems for nephew or sister-in-law I took it down. This song shows how I am feeling right now. I am not sure how much more I can take of my family before I explode.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

I'm sorry, Caroline.

Casey said...

I'm so sorry. Seems to me that if you have parental consent to post it, then it is legally fine. I'm not sure of the legal stance when one parent says ok and the other says no. Hmmm..that's an interesting legal argument but one I'm sure that is better left un-argued at this point. *sigh*

I can't even imagine dealing with the disfunctional family that you appear to have. It must be over the top exhausting! I'm so sorry. :(

Monogram Queen said...

I'm sorry too Caroline. Isn't this the deadbeat brother. Oh I forget, your JW parents would probably bankroll his fight just out of the sheer blackness of their hearts.

Caroline said...

ragged--thank you so much

casey--i am not too sure either so in order to not cause any problems, i just took them down.

patti--you must know my parents because you know exactly what they do and what they say

One Messed Up Chick said...

Im sorry this is happening to you Caroline! You shouldn't have to deal with this crap! Maybe someday your family will grow up.

SassyFemme said...

Everything I want to say has cuss words in it, and I don't want to do that on your blog, so I'll just say you're far too good for THEM. {{{{{ }}}}.

Lynilu said...

My God, he is suck a jerk. I'm glad you care about the people involved and not the pettiness, the ugliness, and the all our deceit that he practices. Whaat the hell is he going to do when your parents . . . excuse me . . . those people are gone and can support him and pull him out of messes? AARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!