That is my parent’s dancing after 38 years of marriage. Notice the apron my mother is wearing; my grandmother wore it years before. I appreciate all of you bloggers out there who care and support Caroline as she works her way through challenges many of us will never remotely face. Sure, we’ve all had the slurs tossed our way. I even lost a teaching job when it was discovered I was gay. But, Caroline was adopted and then lost the adopted family due to prejudice. Your support helps her through this every day.
I have to be honest; it isn’t that I come from this incredibly understanding family. My mother and I have had numerous conversations which ultimately end with an agreement that she simply doesn’t comprehend the reason why I am a lesbian. Guess what? Neither do I. It’s just me, and Caroline, and even most of you who visit the blog.
Many of you are mothers as well. My mother, agreeing that she didn’t really understand it, did agree she wanted me to be happy. Both my parents vowed to support me in that. It has resulted in an open door to Caroline and a love for her very similar to the love they have for me. Because my mother may not understand homosexuality, she does comprehend one thing: the importance of the role of motherhood and how that position is as sacred as any pulpit in a church. She realizes that position is one of privilege and trust. She takes it seriously as her mother, my grandmother, did before her.
Those of you who have children remember this: even the heathens take care of their own. And there are others who pick up where others fall short.
Laura my hat is off to you for this profound and empathetic post. I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart I don't care if my daughter grows up to be gay or straight. As long as she finds someone who loves her, is good to her and vice versa. I am so very sorry that all parents don't feel the same way.
I can't even imagine what Caroline has and continues to go through. Her parents should be eaten alive with shame and remorse every day. To treat a child, one that they took the time to "choose" (so to speak) and devote their love and family to that way is just a damn shame. I hope they grow old, miserable and lonely. I know that's not "christian" of me but I don't care. *sticks tongue out*
Well said.
Thank you Laura for being there for Caroline. With your support she will get through this. It breaks my heart that people are really heartless and crude and not give a damn about anyone but themselves. Caroline is a great person and deserves the best and with you she has that, so I say "Screw the rest of the BS"
Laura, I'm so glad you, and your family, are there for her. Anyone that treats their child like this doesn't deserve to have had them in the first place. A true parent loves their children, unconditionally, always, and wants for nothing more than their true happiness.
Laura, this is all very well said. As a mom I just can't imagine EVER turning my back on my child. Not ever. I can't imagine the pain that would bring to both mother AND child.
Big hugs to you both.
True love is unconditional! It doesn't choose to be there if you think or act or feel only a certain way.
I don't believe anyone chooses to be straight or gay anymore than they choose the color of their skin. We are what we are.
I'm glad your Mother wants you to be happy.
Laura, it is good to see a post by you, and especially for this. You and Caroline both know that I echo everything you've said here. And I agree with Andi, too . . . love is unconditional regardless of for whom or between whom. As you said, none of us understand this, but most of us do not put emphasis on differences, but simply love the people we love. I'd say most of us also do not understand those who seem to feel God has appointed them to judge others; gee, I thought the Bible says that is exactly what we shouldn't do! But that's just my interpretation. I've watched Caroline throughout this ordeal, and you’re the best thing to happen in her world. I thank God (oh, wait! Can I talk to God or do I have to go through “the appointed”???) that you are you, you are where your are, and that you complete Caroline’s happiness. Hugs.
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