Monday, January 29, 2007

How Ironic

About ten minutes ago I was sitting here and the phone rang. The caller ID showed it was the agency I was just working for. They told me that they are doing some contract work and wanted to know if I was interested in coming and doing some work for them. WTF?????????? They have another staff member out because of a family emergency and needed someone to come in this week to work on a brochure and mass mailing they have. I was very polite and told them "thanks, but no thanks."

It just doesn't make sense to me. Just two weeks ago I was working there and now they are calling me back to do some work for them. And contract work at that which means no benefits. Because I know how to do most of the things in the agency I can see it now: Caroline can you do this, can you do that? I don't think so.

I really do appreciate them thinking of me and I made sure they knew that. But at this point I don't want to mess up my unemployment benefits that I am getting. Any money I bring in from a job would probably make it so I wouldn't be getting a weekly check.

PLUS, I am really enjoying my time off. I love waking up and the only thing I have to do is go to the gym. It is very nice not having a set schedule and being able to do what I want to do. It is wonderful. And I don't plan on giving that up right at this moment. Well, at least not this week.


Lynilu said...

Boy. I wish I were so rich that I didn't have to work. You're SO lucky!


Monogram Queen said...

Girl I don't blame you at all. That's kind of nervy if you ask me. "Oh we'll let Caroline go and then call her back when we're in a pinch cos' she knows the drill". Meh.
LOL @ Lynilu. Me too chica!

Caroline said...

lynilu--rich we're not, but tight we are. :) oh and just so you know...laura is working my ass off here at home.

patti--i think they were a little shocked that i said no, but really we don't need the money that badly right now. Ask me again in June after my unemployment runs out then it might be a different story. lol

Casey said...

I'm not ready for you to go back to work. I am totally living vicariously through you. :)

Laura said...

Lynilu- You crack me up!! Hey, can
I get your new office number? What? You don't have an office? LOL

Patticake- I'm with you, I thought it was pretty nervy on their part, too.

Caroline- Clean the living room. LOL

Caroline said...

casey--since you are living through me is there anything you would like me to do this week? lol

laura--must i remind you that lynilu is coming back to town in a few weeks. i am not sure you want to make her mad. :) and btw, the living room is already clean, but if you want you can clean the kitchen.

Rose of Sharon said...

Caroline, I need you to come over and clean MY house!

Hm, at first I was thinking, "Oooo, contract work, big $$", but after reading the rest of your paragraph, I'm with ya. You're nobody's workhorse, at least not after they let you go just barely two weeks ago. Glad you stuck up for yourself.

Enjoy your time off and treat yourself right. You deserve it!

Lynilu said...

LOL at both of you! You are just too much!

Laura, my office number is 505.UGO.AWAY!! Now, go clean the kitchen!

Love ya both!

Caroline said...

sharon--i didn't have to think about it much (the job) because I am enjoying my time off too much.

lynilu--LOL. but i can't repeat what laura to you. you might take it up with her :)

Casey said...

Yes please. Sleep *really* late, stay in your pajama's all day and lounge on the couch reading a good book. :)

Caroline said...

casey--i think i can handle that. wouldn't you really love a trip to the casino? i can't wait until wednesday

Casey said...

I thought of something else to add...clean your livingroom and then just sit in it in peace for a few hours. Enjoy having it clean. I can't tell you what a huge fantasy of mine that is. I swear the kids walk behind and throw toys out of their bins as fast as I toss them in.

And the casino sounds like fun. Win me a couple grand, will ya? :)