Thursday, November 30, 2006

Winter Wonderland Pictures

I know some of you are tired of me talking about the weather, but I am just so excited about all this snow.
My drive home. Notice the ice on my windshield. It just won't melt.
One of our strays who is experiencing his first snow. They are all enjoying the dog house I bought them a few months ago.

Our dog statue with his Santa hat. Now it feels like Christmas around here.

My car Lulu. She is just a solid piece of ice. It took me 10 minutes to get my gas tank lever open. Like everything else on the was frozen solid.

Our back deck. The Christmas lights are gorgeous in the snow.

Another one of the Christmas lights in front.

By tomorrow all our lights should be under 12-18 inches of snow. Oh yea, I am having a 3 day weekend.


SassyFemme said...

Pretty!!! I was thinking about you today when I heard about all the snow for that area! Enjoy your snow day!

Laura said...

Can I PLEASE see what Brady will do in the snow? Don't be a party pooper.

chapin said...

Glad you made it home safe and sound. Enjoy your day off tomorrow. I have a feeling I'll be working. :-(

Casey said...

Beautiful!!! I wish I was there to enjoy a snow day!

Enjoy enjoy enjoy!

Caroline said...

sassy--there is nothing better then a snow day

laura--ok, maybe just once. but after brady we get to put sophie cat in the snow

chapin--you must be up north because that is where there is almost no snow

casey--it really is least now that I am home

Lynilu said...

Your pictures are as good as mine! Do you have to work tomorrow? If not, make a snow angel for me!!

Caroline said...

lynilu--well, it looks like i'll have to get out there and do a snow angel for you and of course laura will take pictures

Anonymous said...

Pretty snow!

Thanks fot the number in your last post, I think I'll call them. I have a "I have all the religion that I can handle" sign on my front door but the JW still leave shit. Probably because my neighbors are JW. BTW, I was going to give fudge to all of my neighbors for the holidays. Should I skip my JW neighbors? Would it offend them to receive it? I thought you would probably know.

Glad you liked the pictures, maybe you and Laura should come to Mexico with us next year...

Kitty said...

Yeah Hurray for the snow angel, can't wait to see those pics.

I say to be fair to all, throw all of them in the snow just once, including PUP!

Anonymous said...

What are you doing taking pictures while you are driving in the snow?? :)

I love all the Christmas lights in the snow.

Monogram Queen said...

It is so pretty and I never get tired of hearing about it! Have fun

Caroline said...

rsg--they will take the fudge and probably not be offended. JW's love (not giving) x-mas gifts.

kitty--good idea about putting laura in the snow

amy--i was wondering if someone was going to notice me driving and taking pics. luckily we were going very slow

patti--my new post is just for you