Friday, October 27, 2006

A Day in the life of Sophie-Cat

I thought I would share with all of you the life of one of our cats. Sophie-cat is the "boss" and what she says around here goes. No questions asked. Here is a typical day for our Princess. Thank you Laura for documenting this for us. 5:59AM(it was a early morning for all of us)



3:00pm Realizing it's time for Dr. Phil.

3:02pm: realizes she has already seen this Dr. Phil.


Kitty said...

It's a real hard life! lol

One Messed Up Chick said...

I wish thats all I had to do all day long :) She is beautiful tho~

Lynilu said...

Are you poking fun at me? You are! You're saying that about poor Sophie when we know it is really my schedule! Sheesh. Some friend.

SassyFemme said...

It's a tough life, but somebody's got to live it!

Hey, I noticed her belly is rather pink looking in one of the pics. Is she a hair puller?

Wendy said...

Here from Sandra's - this is hysterical! I'm getting such a kick outta her pink belly!

Caroline said...

kitty--she does have a very hard life. :)

onecrazylady--ME TOO. there are so many days where i wish that my day was as relaxed as one of our pets. they are so lucky

lynilu--i didn't know you liked to watch dr. phil??? btw, i am so envious of your schedule.

sassy--no she does not pull her hair. she is just so big that there isn't enough hair to go over her huge belly

wendy--thanks for stopping by. we are also so amused by our pets

Casey said...

Baaahahahahahahaha!!! Love it!