Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Today I had a social work conference to attend. I wasn't that excited about it because it was 30 minutes from my house and it started at 8am, an hour earlier then I usually start. I am glad that I went to this conference. It was probably one of the best. All except this one part. The guy had a PowerPoint presentation and for one hour just read what was up there. We also had the handouts right in front of us, so I learned nothing during this time. Other then that I really enjoyed it. I was a little worried because it was at a local hotel and lunch was included. Being on weight watchers I didn't know what they were going to be serving and how many points I would need. Turned out just fine. They did have a huge piece of cheesecake for desert and I just took a few bites. Boy was it yummy.

While I was there Laura was home doing laundry(I usually do the laundry), cleaning the kitchen and preparing dinner. God I love this woman. I came home to clean clothes, a clean house and a wonderful dinner. She told me that she called the Better Business Bureau to see if there had been a decision. The lady said that she couldn't give us the decision, but it was in our favor. We had asked for a refund of $750. We are hoping that we got the full amount. That would pay for my dental work tomorrow without having to go into savings.

Tomorrow afternoon at 2:45 I will be having my two root canals done. I am not looking forward to the procedure or the pain afterwards. But I am looking forward to having Friday off. It's amazing the things I will do for a day off. Keep me in your prayers that everything goes smooth and they don't find any other major damage.

Tomorrow will also be a very bittersweet day for me with Lynilu leaving Friday morning. I am beyond sad to see her leave, but am so happy that she is fulfilling one of her dreams. We will go over tomorrow to say our "so longs" to her.

So overall, I don't think tomorrow will be that great of a day. Having two root canals and seeing a treasured neighbor and friend move is almost too much for one day.


Jen said...

Hope the root canals go smoothly! :)

Monogram Queen said...

Honey you are too funny "the things I will do for a day off"
Friday will be a not-so-good day for you i'm betting. Hey maybe you will get to go visit Lynilu in NM!

SassyFemme said...

Just glanced at the clock and realized you're probably in the dentist's chair now. Hope it's okay and you're doing okay when you finally get to reading this.