Thursday, September 14, 2006

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Today I have my next to the last dental appointment to correct the many problems that seem to have gone wrong with my teeth in the past three years. As much as I am excited that I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, I am not looking forward to this afternoon. My last root canal was a horrible experience. I just pray that the next to appointments go a lot better. On my last appointment I opted not to have the "laughing gas" since I didn't like the way I reacted to it before. Today I have decided to have the laughing gas. I do admit that the first time I had it I was so much more relax and it made the appointment seem not so bad. Today's appointment will take close to two hours. I have taken tomorrow off "just in case". I am pretty sure that I am going to be very sore and I didn't want to have to risk calling in sick. Life is always better when you plan for the worst because it usually means it doesn't happen.

Financially it has also been a huge burden having all these dental problems. Even with dental insurance it has taken a lot of our own money. I would say since June we have spent close to $1600. And that is with insurance!!!!! I don't know how people do it without health insurance.

On a final note: Please send lots of good thoughts our way. Not just for all the dental work that I am having, but also for a decision that Laura is making in the next week or so. At this time I can't go into more detail, but just send out lots of good prayers. Thanks blogger friends. BTW, I have the best blogger friends in the world.


One Messed Up Chick said...

Many positive prayers headed your way for both of you! I hope your appt. isnt too bad! Im glad you have tomorrow off.

Lynilu said...

You know you both have all the prayers you need from me. It'll all be OOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKK!!

Monogram Queen said...

Positive vibes and happy thoughts to Laura.
Sorry about your dental problems. I hate the dentist and orthodontist.