Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My Wednesday So Far

I had the most interesting drive to work this morning. I was driving along and some asshole pulled out in front of me and since there wasn't that much space between me and him I had to slam on my brakes. I was pissed so I honked my horn and passed him. Apparently that really pissed this redneck asshole off. He sped up and got right next to me and started yelling at me and then spit on my car. At this point I am thinking that I am going to die and maybe I shouldn't have honked at him. I ignored him and kept going. But he wasn't done. There was a red light and would you believe I was stuck right next to him. Fuck. The entire time the light was red he was screaming at me, flipping me off. I just looked forward. I am sure the other cars were like, "what the hell is going on." He finished it off by spitting on my car again. The light turned green and he turned off the street we were on. I knew I was in trouble when we stopped at the light and I saw a confederate flag in his truck. Thankfully rest of my drive was uneventful.

Last night our oldest cat got sick 4 or 5 times. She started throwing up yesterday and we didn't think too much of it. But she seems to be getting sick more and more. She is 19 years old and I keep wondering how much longer before she starts slowing down. We call her our security guard since she sleeps by the door going to the bathroom and gets very upset whenever that door is closed.

Last night Sophie got freaked out by a fly. There was a fly in the house and she came over to us shaking and her tail between her legs. So much for protecting us if someone actually broke into the house. I am sure if someone broke into the house she would say, "do whatever you want to them, just leave me alone". We need to work on her "protective" skills more.

This morning the Better Business Bureau called asking Laura if she could be there at 11am instead of 11:30. Sure no problem. Then she gets there and they say, "oh we have the wrong day. We thought today was the 25th." WTF is that? How do you not know what day it is. The good thing about them moving it to Friday is I can be there. When she called me at ten minutes after 11 today I thought for sure the Fuck-it Up guys hadn't showed up and it was a default judgment. BTW, the Fuck-it Up guys had not made it there yet. So, they would have been late anyway. Two more days and then it's over.

Thanks to Isabel letting me know, there is only 34 more days until fall. I am ready for those warm days and cool nights. The nights when you fall asleep with the window open, but have to wake up to close it because it gets too cold. The day when we turn the heat on for the first time and the whole house smells like it's burning. Most people hate when it starts getting darker earlier. Not me. I love it when it's dark by 6pm. These days of it being light until 9:30pm are getting tiresome. Once September is here, it's all downhill to Christmas.


pack of 2 said...

I would have called the cops on that guy. I think spitting is considered assault.

Stupid rednecks!

I hope your cat is OK.


Minnesota Nice said...

Not to alarm you, it could just be something she ate, but with elderly cats vomiting can sometimes mean the kidneys are in big trouble, might be best to check it out :(

Why didn't the confederate flag surprise me. I've never, and I'm sorry, but I've never yet met a well-mannered polite young man who either wore or displayed that flag. They're all assholes.

Caroline said...

packof2--i thought of calling the police,but then decided i should probably just go to work.

sandra--oh, i had no idea about that. we are going to keep an eye on her and see what happens in the next 24 hours. so far she hasn't gotten sick today. about the confederate flag..i agree..all (or at least most) are assholes

Luna said...

Living in the south I have to disagree with your statement. I know a TON of people who fly the flag for various reason who are the nicest people you'll ever meet!

Some people are just assholes...

Lynilu said...

I am concerned for your health and the weight related problems, as I am my own. However, this has NOTHING to do with who you are. You are beautiful, loving, loyal, forgiving, and good person, through and through. Don't let the old baggage become a burden or limit you in any way. Just forgive your dad for being narrow and go on with your happy, productive life. Simply . . . BE YOU.

Kitty said...

I hope your kitty-cat gets to feeling better.

I hate mean people, they suck! Be careful! Wish you lived down here, the only thing flying is waves and smiles.....I love where I live. It moves so-o-o-o-o-o sl-o-o-o-o-o-w. Nobody gets in a hurry. Everybody is friendly.

Hugs and Kisses

Monogram Queen said...

Let me say I live in SC and the confederate flag gets a bad rap thanks to assholes like him.
Some who display it are truly proud grandsons/granddaughters of confederate veterans.
You did exactly the right thing by ignoring that guy but wouldn't you have loved to let fly with a nice paintball aimed right at his forehead!! Grr..... be careful sweetie.