Monday, August 28, 2006

Beta Blogger

Last week I saw that Blogger was now in Beta(not being a computer person I have no idea what Beta is) and that it was much better to switch to this. It wasn't that big of a deal switching,but I am trying to see if anyone else has had problems. Here are some of the issues I am having:

* I had to switch my sign in name and password. Apparently my old password was not secure enough.

*When I comment on some blogs I still use my old login and password while on others I use my new password. And I really don't know when to use my new or old login. It's very confusing.

Here are some of the benefits I have noticed:

*No more re-publishing my entire blog which was starting to take forever since mine was so big. Now I simply click one button when I am done and it's done. No waiting.

*It seems to be working much much faster.

Please let me know if you have switched to beta blogger and if you are having any of the same problems.


Monogram Queen said...

I don't know if i've switched or not. I notice i'm not having NEAR the problems I had on past Mondays.

Wendy and Karen said...

We haven't switched yet and likely won't until the new stuff goes "live". Beta means a version of software that is made available prior to the official release for the purposes of testing. While you typically get some cool, new features, you also get the bugs that still need to be fixed before the software is really ready. These "bugs" in the beta are not supported exactly in that if you have problems, the solution they'd tell you to use is to go back and use the old version of the software. It can be a pain sometimes but when the new features are helpful it's often good to make the jump to the new version before it's "production ready".

You'll have to keep us posted on the good and bad things you find as you use it.

- Karen

Lynilu said...

I switched a couple days ago myself, and I have the same password issues. Other than that, I think it is good. So far I've had FAR less problems than I did before and it seems that everything is running much smoother. I guess we'll see, won't we?

SassyFemme said...

I haven't. I'm not generally a fan of beta versions, for the reasons Karen listed. I'll be interested to see how it goes for you.

Minnesota Nice said...

Do you have to wait until they OFFER the switch to you? I can't seem to figure out how to switch myself, so maybe I have to wait my turn.

Caroline said...

patticake--you would know if you switched because your blog is down for a few minutes while everything is moved to the new blog location

wendy&karen--thanks for the explanation. now i am wondering if i shoudl have switched yet

lynily--i've noticed also that i am not having as many problems. hope there aren't any coming soon

sandra--once you sign in there should be something that talks about the beta blogger and you can take a tour of the new features.