Friday, June 16, 2006

Going Places

Laura and I have just a few simple goals in life. 1) To be able to move to Florida at least part of the year and 2) To be able to be self-sufficient (work for ourselves) We get along so well and are tired of working not knowing if we will have a job the following year. Living year to year with grants and contracts can be very frustrating and scary at times. We are hard at work to make sure we are able to sustain our lifestyle ourselves and not be depedeant on grants or contracts. The following months I will have more to say in regards to this. We are going places and the ride will be fast and fun.
Here's a picture of Laura with one of her projects. Don't be surprised if you see her name out there in a few years. She is destined to be well known and respected.
Here's Blackey our adopted stray cat. In this picture he is just waiting for me to give him his dinner. Damn, he is one spoiled kitty.
This is where I found Blackey about an hour after I fed him. Obviously the grass was nice and cool. Does he not realize that he does not live here. Oh wait, I do feed him and love on him. Yes, I guess he does live here.
Here's Sophie giving me those "poor me" eyes. She is wanting a treat or something. Over the past few weeks Laura and her have become the best of friends. I think I am a little jealous.


One Messed Up Chick said...

Just wanted you to know tonight when I came to read your blog, I noticed I was the 14999 person to read your blog, so I had to refresh so I could be the 15000 person to read it :) Yeah I know, I havent had much sleep lately. I get silly sometimes. Have a great day

Lynilu said...

I hope your predictions about Laura are true. It would be really nice to see that success. She is fortunate to have you in her rah-rah section.

Monogram Queen said...

Sweet pics! Hmmmm is Laura a writer or an artist or am I completely off base? I wish her the best in her endeavors and you too!

Caroline said...

onecrazylady--you should win some prize for being the 15000 customer on my site..:)

lynilu--i am pretty sure of my's easy cheering her on

patticake--she is a writer..