Saturday, June 17, 2006

Father's Day

My Father and I have never been close. I feel like he felt left out a lot of the time because my Mom and I used to get along so well. As an adult my Father and I did get along a lot better and found we had a lot more in common then we both had realized. It makes me sad that just when we were getting along better my sexual orientation and a car could get in the way. I do have many fond memories of my Father and here are just a few:

1) When I was around 9 we were driving in Minnesota (don't remember why) and I was reading my favorite book at the time: Farmer Boy. As I was quietly reading my Dad turned to me and said "why don't you read that to me". And for the next hour or so I read out loud. I know it wasn't something he would have picked for himself, but I was so excited that he was interested in what I was reading.

2) When I was 16 and at summer camp for the entire summer (2 months) my Dad came up during the change over and spent two days with me. He took me out of camp and we drove up to Duluth and he took me to all the stores I wanted to go to and bought me all kinds of "junk". It was a fun two days with just the two of us.

3) When I got my first "real" job after getting my bachelors degree my Dad would meet me for lunch. It were at those lunches I felt really grown up.

4) When we were on vacation in Cayman when I was 18 my Dad and I went on a night dive. It was one of the coolest and scariest things of my life. Underwater at night is just freaky. I kept thinking Jaws was right around the corner and when you can't see anything never know.

Happy Fathers Day Dad!!

*On a side note: Please keep Laura's Dad in your prayers. He was in a serious car accident today and the car he had just paid off one day ago was totaled. He was not seriously injured just bruised and bumped. Luckily the woman that hit him admitted it was completly her fault and had insurance.


yankeegirl said...

I'm glad you have those good memories of your Dad, even if you don't get along right now. Looking back, I know my Dad loved me in his own way, just couldn't love himself enough to overcome his own problems. I'm glad Laura's Dad is ok- I'll be praying for him!

SassyFemme said...

Those are some wonderful memories of time with your dad. I really hope that you're able to have more in the future with him.

Keeping Laura's dad in thoughts and prayers. Glad he wasn't seriously injured!

Lynilu said...

Always hold on to those memories of your dad. They are very sweet.

I am so sorry to hear about Laura's dad. I'll certainly keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

Isabel said...

Keeping you, laura and her dad in my thoughts and prayers.

Caroline said...

yankeegirl--thanks forthe prayers..laura's dad is doing much better..good eough to go play golf..

sassyfemme--we are also very happy he was not seriously injured

lynilu--see what happens when you leave town for a few days?

isabel--thanks for the prayers

Casey said...

Those are nice memories - I'm glad you have them.

I'm thinking of Laura's dad Big hugs to you both.

Lynilu said...

yeah, I can't leave y'all alone for a minute, can I? ;-)

Monogram Queen said...

Keep those memories and hold them close. My Dad took me to all the Grizzly Adams,Bad News Bears & Herbie the Lovebug movies. I treasure those memories!
Consider Laura's Dad in my prayers. That really sucks. :(

Caroline said...

casey--thanks..they are good memories

lynilu--nope..not even a minute..but actually in this case it's her Dad we can't leave alone for one minute

patticake--you dad also took me to all those movies that no one else wanted to Ernest Goes to Camp.