Friday, March 31, 2006

One Volunteer Needed: Male or Female

Do we have anyone that wishes to volunteer for this?


Francesca said...



pack of 2 said...

That is too funny. I haven't seen it b4...LOL!

They should make shirts that say it!!!



Anonymous said...

hee hee hee! That is extremely funny, but . . . EEEEUUUUUWWWWWW! That's just a gross thought, Straight or gay!!!

Isabel said...

Ha ha!

Zoe said...

Sorry, but you couldn't pay me enough.
Just noticed I've been tagged. I'll get to it.

Caroline said...

francesca--i loved it too..

packof2--i laughted my ass off (at work of course) when i got this in an email

lyn--it's gross, but i wish it would happen so we could get him out out of office

elf--do you really think i would post your comment. Please go the fuck away

isabel--i second that

zoe--i wouldn't do it either..