Thursday, December 15, 2005

Letter to my Brother

Dear Older Brother,

I sit here one week before Christmas wondering a few things about you and the life you have chosen to live. I wonder why you and your wife continue to have baby after baby when you are not able to support the ones you have. (how many do you have now...4???) I wonder why you think your oldest son, who is from your first marriage, is the one that always get the short straw? From the day he was born, you were never a Father for him. You would disappear for months at a time, even years. He grew up afraid of you and your anger. How dare you hurt that little innoncent boy.

You have most of the people in our family miserable at one point or another. I remember when I was just 11 years old trying to comfort Mom because you had threatned to run away. Do you remember that when you threatned to run away that one time, Mom and I were getting ready to drive up to Minnesota to pick up Dad's Mom. And as we are leaving you are angry for some stupid reason and you say something that will upset her the most. From the very beginning you were an asshole. You always felt that the world and everyone in it owed you something.

Now you have 4 young kids. You use them as bait. So does your wife. I remember her not talking to her family and using the kids as bait. You guys would say, "so and so is never going to see the kids again." Most of the time you would say this was because you weren't getting your way. Kids, even when they are 1 or 2 pick up on things like that.

You say I will never see your kids. I am sorry you feel that way. But you might take a good look at the example you are setting for your kids. Here is just a few examples of things your kids are going to pick up on:
1)You recently spent time in jail because you stole from Mom/Dad.
2)You are using drugs
3)You talk like a sailor in front of the kids. Don't be surprised when one of them is in first grade and doesn't want to do what the teacher says and says, "fuck you" to the teacher. They learned that from you.
4) Doing drugs while you are pregnant is a very bad thing

But from what I understand you don't want your kids around me because I gay. Here are some things your kids would pick up from me if they were allowed to be around me:
1) You have to work in life to support yourself.
2) When it comes down to anything, Love is the most important thing
3) Just because someone is gay does mean they are a second class citizen

You are two years older then me, but maturity wise you are still a teenager. Uprooting your family whenever you get bored is not good for your kids. You should move someplace and stay. You should also look into how you are going to support your kids on your own. As a resident and tax payer for the state of Missouri, I am tired of supporting your lazy ass, as well as your wife's lazy ass. You take advantage of the system. Because of people like you, the system is not working for those that do deserve it.

Even from an earliest age, I didn't like you. I don't know if I have ever liked you. You treated me like shit. You would treat me as your punching bag with no concern for my feelings. You used to call me a slut out the front window when I was just 12 years old. I never was and never will lower to your level. You have manupliated every person you have met. In the end, that will not win. I still believe that good wins in the end. You were never good.

You are now 34 and have 4 children. I think it's past due for you to grow up.

Merry Christmas,
Your Sister


Kathryn said...

You poor girl.
I know that you need closure; I hope that you can put that very love starved family behind you someday.
We all love you:)

Anonymous said...

Dwelling on things you can't control isn't heathly. You really need to change your focus from your rear-view mirror, to the light at the end of the tunnel.

You can't help those who refuse to help themselves.

SassyFemme said...

We can't choose those who are our siblings, and no where is it writen that we have to like them, love them, or even tolerate them. Living a good life, and turning out better that him, is the best reward (and revenge).

pack of 2 said...

I'm glad you got that out!

He sounds like a real treat.
I feel bad for his kids.

Peace to you,


Casey said...

Wow - I'm sorry. It's easy for people to say not to dwell on things but in reality very few of us in the same shoes can not until we process and move through it. I have family drama - and a brother who refused to let his kids see me (and now the entire family). It took a while to come to terms with it but now that I have, I feel so much more free.

I wish you the same sense of peace.

Caroline said...

Thanks for all your support! I do feel a little more peaceful after writing that letter.

Kami said...

Oh wow. Sounds like my little sister. So sorry.