Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The First Pictures with my *NEW* Camera

Here is Sophie looking cute as ever.

Here's Laura looker even cuter. Notice she is blogging. I made her when we got home from dinner. I told her everyone was wondering where she was.
This is our big baby Astro. He does not realize how big he is. Reminds us of Lenny from "Of Mice and Men"
Here's Laura. She is holding up two fingers. Not for peace, but to say "Just two more days before x-mas break."


Isabel said...

awww look at the kitty just kicking back.

Love the pictures, laura looks lovely. Thanks for sharing. :)

Zoe said...

Looks like you're enjoying your christmas present, even if it's a few days early.

Cute pets!

Ace of Spades said...

what parts of kansas city. im in kansas city too. Like your kitty by the way. just got two new kitties for christmas.

Nap Queen said...

GREAT photos! I am now officially in love with Sophie. I have a soft spot for black dogs, espcially ones that look like they might have even a tiny ounce herd dog or shepherd in them.

Teena in Toronto said...

My cat, Morgan, looks like Astro. How much does he weigh? He does look big. As my sister and I say, though, he's not big ... he's just furry :)

Francesca said...

Love the pics!

(Although, I think Santa Laura should have made you wait until Christmas to use it, since you found out about it before the big day!)

lol!!! ;)

Caroline said...

sweet angel-astro is very laid back..that is his usual position in the evening

zoe--i am enjoying my x-mas present. I love taking pictures and now it won't cost soo much.

ace--we live in south KCMO

napqueen--Sophie is a doll isn't she. She is used to me taking her picture, as you can tell.

teena--I think Astro weighs about 20 pounds. Don't know for sure though.

francesa--actually, I had not found out about the camera before hand. She just thought I had. Now, I did find out about Oprah..plus one of the cats tore a hole in a present for me...and it's a candle. Poor Laura..she tries so hard to hide things from me. The cats and I are not helping her.