Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Today was my potluck at work. It was a lot of fun and there was some really good food. I was sent home with a lot of the leftovers and I am trying to figure out how I am going to eat it all before Friday. One of my techs made me a separate cake. I think I am going to save it for Friday and serve it to my moving crew after we get moved. The potluck was a Wizard of Oz theme and they had the movie playing on CD during the lunch. I had to confess to everyone that I have never seen that movie. Most people are shocked when they hear that, so I guess I need to add it to my Netflix list. I was born in Kansas and lived there for the first 22 years of my life, so I have no idea why I never watched it. I am sure the church had something to do with it. :)

Here is some of the food that was there:
See what I mean...yummy food. I ate too much and felt sick for rest of the afternoon. But it was so worth it.

So I am getting reeeeally excited for Friday. I think I get even more excited (if that is possible)when I hear how excited S is. Look at the smile on my face:
This is a picture of someone that is about to see all her dreams come true.


Lynilu said...

The food looks scrumptious! Those aren't "funny brownies," are they? LOL!

Hey, any food you don't eat by Thursday can be transported in an ice chest and served along with the cake for the moving crew. Is there a pizza place in the new town? Grab a pizza for them, too.

Have you checked to see where the nearest QT is? I know you have!

I can't believe you never saw WoO!!! You got a lotta livin' to do!!

Bobbie said...

Its great seeing that smile. The food looks great. My kids love WOO

MJ said...

Your off to see the wizard...it's about time to see the moving. I hope KS is all you want it to be.

Caroline said...

lynilu--i hope they weren't "funny" brownies becuase i have a drug test to do next monday. i think the closest QT is about 2 hours away. i think i will survive.

bobbie--the food was really good and i am completly stuffed tonight

mj--i agree that i really need to see the movie.

traci said...

You know what the last line or two in this post make me think of? The very end of the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the one with Gene Wilder is THE BEST one!)

Willie Wonka says to Charlie "And Charlie, don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he'd ever wished for." and Charlie asks, "What happened?" Willie Wonka says, magically, "He lived happily ever after."

Monogram Queen said...

Wow! Looks great! I know you are beyond excited and happy and i'm so happy for you!

I LOVE The Wizard Of Oz!

Manblogger641 said...

Food looks sooooo good!!! I glad that your dreams are coming true! Enjoy this time.

Caroline said...

traci--i had forgotten about that part of the movie...love that line.

patti--yes, i am very excited. i am having trouble sleeping and am waking up every couple of hours.

manblogger--i am trying to take it all in and enjoy every single moment. yes the food was very good. in fact, i brought a piece of cake for a snack today. Yum.