Monday, June 16, 2008


All day today I have had this feeling that today was the anniversary of something, but I couldn't figure out what it was. It finally hit me about ten minutes ago; June 16, 1990 was when I was baptized as a Jehovah's Witness.

A couple things here....First of all, how in the world can that be 18 years ago? In case I didn't feel it before, I officially feel old now.

After I got over the shock that I was baptized close to 20 years ago, my next thought went to my best friend growing up:
This is a picture of me and my cousin J. J is 3 years younger then me, but we were raised as sisters and were always best friends. We had so many good times and one of those was when we got baptized together. I remember I was happy that day because my Mom and Grandma were so happy and proud of me. My Grandma gave J and I each a bracelet and told us we would always remember this day. Even though I am no longer a Jehovah's Witness, this day is still very special to me and probably will always be. I love that I have gotten to the point where I can appreciate my religious upbringing instead of resenting it. One thing I have learned is it's OK to look back on all those years I was a JW and see the good times as well.

I never knew that simply living my life for me would make me so happy and content in life.

I took this picture of myself a few days ago:
One thing I noticed is how calm I seem in the picture. Of all those times where I really wanted to give up in the past year, looking at this picture of me makes me so happy that I hung in there.


Lynilu said...

:) I love the "new" you. Confidence, peace, happiness ..... it's all you!

beans said...

You have very beautiful eyes!

Renaissance Woman said...

I'm glad that you feel more calm. Good things are going to come your way.

Julie said...

You look the same, you haven't aged, but yes, you DO look peaceful and happy.

One Messed Up Chick said...

You look happy in the last picture, its nice to see you happy.

Pregnant In Texas said...

I think you look incredibly tan (and happy) in the last picture, which makes me wonder if I should go outside more.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of my 'anniversary' date just the other day. November 24, 1979. I was 14 years old. I remembered the feeling that accompanied that day as I walked down some stairs and it reminded me of walking into the baptismal pool. Odd the things that trigger memories eh?

Francesca said...

It's really good that you are in a happier place and good for you that you can look back and recognise and appreciate the growth you've experienced and just see the difference. Also the way you can look back and appreciate aspects of having been brought up as a Jehovah's Witness without the resentment anymore say a lot of extra good things about you. Not everyone is prepared to look for the good in things that have caused some level of pain along the way. Go, you! (I shall hae to learn from your example!)