Monday, December 10, 2007


R was suppose to call me last night. She did not. I sent her a TXT message saying to call me this morning so we could decide what time we were going to get together. She did not call this morning. At 10:30 she sent me a TXT message saying she couldn't make lunch.

I am starting to think that maybe she has changed her mind. I can't help but wonder if what I shared with her on Friday night helped her change her mind.

What really sucks is I really liked her.



Kelly Lopez said...

You deserve more than a text message cancellation for lunch plans. That's just bad manners on R's part. I'm so sorry. I hope she is just really busy and wasn't thinking about how it all came across. Have you talked to her since you posted?

Lynilu said...

Ah, shoot. Sorry. Hmm, I guess you might look at it as better to end now than after some emotional involvement makes it even harder. :'(

Kim said...

I admire you for putting yourself out there the way you do. I hardly dated at all before I got married...every time something like that happened, an unreturned phone call, canceled plans, etc, it CRUSHED me. Like the world was ending.

You're so much stronger than you give yourself credit for, you know that? Keep doing what you're doing and the right one will come along.

One Messed Up Chick said...

Oh that is too bad :( I'll have a beer for you ;) Seriously tho better now know then later.

yankeegirl said...

I'm sorry your date got cancelled.Why don't you go see August Rush anyway? It might cheer you up. ((hugs))

Minnesota Nice said...

Gee, you are a blogging machine lately, I see I have some catching up to do!

Hon, it really sounds like she changed her mind. Hope I'm wrong, but dang, it sounds like avoidance to me. I hate that, I wish people would just SAY what they're thinking, what's going on, what's wrong. This avoidance bullshit is a waste of your time and only makes it worse.

Monogram Queen said...

Don't be too hasty, maybe there are extenuating circumstances!

SassyFemme said...

I'm sorry it didn't work out, but definitely better to know now.