Sunday, September 16, 2007

Old Pictures Found

As I continue to pack (and sort through old stuff) I came across these pictures. I decided to scan them before I move because once I unplug the printer, Internet and wireless to move, you know I may never get it plugged back in right again. (this is my one fear in moving, but thank goodness for the Geek Squad who just might have to come out and help me) are some of my favorite pictures I have found:
This is my nephew Alec and me in April 2002. He was just one day old when my got this picture of me holding him. I loved (and still do very much) that little boy so much.
Can you tell I am happy in this picture? This was taken June 4, 1994 in Cayman. Not too sure about my sunglasses though and what's the deal with my hand???

My Dad used to call this picture my Bo Derek look. Such a serious face. I wish I knew what was going through my mind when they took this picture.

Be sure to check out my other post for today.....


One Messed Up Chick said...

You have great pictures from your childhood; I love seeing them.
Cant wait to see the flag LOL :) Ill let you know how everything goes once we get to Canada.

Bella said...

Those are some great photos!

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Awwww I love old photos....these are great!

Holly said...

Cute pictures!

Patti_Cake said...

Love the pics! Thanks for sharing

Lynilu said...

I just realized that after I looked at these pix, I didn't comment. Duh. But I love them. Isn't it nice finding old pix that bring back some fun memories? Oh, yes.