Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Many Updates

Here are a few updates:

  • Talked with the vet again today regarding Brady. His cancer is middle of the road in terms of being aggressive, but the oncologist said that the cancer cells are multiplying at an high rate. I talked with the vet about the options and I decided (because of finances) to not do anything right now. The vet was wonderful at reassuring me that I was not a horrible person for the very hard choice I had to make. I have decided that I will continue taking Brady to this vet even after I move. I feel more comfortable taking him to someone that knows him and also knows me.

  • Had my first therapy appointment today. It went very well. Turns out my therapist has worked with my agency before and even knows my boss. Thank goodness for confidentiality laws. He suggested that I think about seeing a psychiatrist for some medication. I will think about it. He seemed very comfortable with the fact that I was gay, which was a huge relief. He did say that it seems like I am a small planet that has been shot out in the middle of nowhere by myself. I had never thought of it that way. I go back to see him on Monday and I am looking forward to it.

  • A week ago I noticed that my brake light was on for the first few minutes each morning. Today it stayed on for my entire drive. I have an appointment on Saturday morning for LuLu to be looked at. I hope it just needs some brake fluid.

  • The weather is absolutely beautiful right now. High in the 70s and lows in the 50s. It's perfect to me. I have been driving for the last two days with my a/c off and my sunroof open.

  • MG bought a St. Joseph statue for my yard. We will bury it this weekend in hopes that the house will sell quickly. I had forgotten about that suggestion and I thought it was so sweet that she read that in my blog and decided to get me one.

  • Thank you for all your congratulations on MG and I moving in with each other. I can't wait to get out life started together.

That's all for now.


Bella said...

I'm glad your session went well.

Kerry said...

I am at the opposite end of where you are. I am finally done after 2 years of counseling. I wish you great success. It is a tough road at times but so well worth it.

Casey said...

Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you. Glad the session went well. Sorry to hear about Brady bu thonestly, we'd have to make that same decision for our pet if it ever came to it. Besides, I can imagine the treatment would be no fun whatsoever for Brady so maybe, just maybe, you are actually doing what he would wish you to do.

Funny how things relaly do work themselves out. You have Brady to help him through this part of his journey. You aren't locked into a lease at the apartment you were going to move to and you don't have people living in your house that can't pay the rent. You are free to love Brady and move in with MG. And I just know your house will sell. It really will.

Hang in there and remember, life always has a way of working itself out. :)

Lynilu said...

Well, I'm sorry about Brady, and I know nothing can change that pain. But keep the positive thoughts going; it just may help him to get through this with less trouble. Don't forget how the positive energy has helped you. It is "contagious."

Again, I'm so glad you are going to MG's house. Better for you, better for Sophie, and it will be better for the cats, too. You'll have MG to lean on while dealing with Brady. Give Brady a hug for me now, and MG one when you see her. :)

Julie said...

- I am so glad Brady is feeling better. Do not feel guilty about the expense of cancer treatments - I looked into them when Alex had cancer and they do not increase the lifespan of animals for very long, nor do they make the quality of life good at all for them. I think we gotta let go of the idea that we can keep them around longer than God intends, yo? Hope this doesn't sound harsh. The time you guys now have will be the sweetest.
- Congrats on the move! I think it sounds wonderful.
- Just went off the Lexipro myself and continuing with the therapy instead. Let me know if you want to talk about it in detail if you are mulling the idea of an SSRI.

Patti_Cake said...

Glad everything seems to be on an upswing and I understand about the medical situation w/ Brady. I may be facing that with a new rescue I got just last night. I don't have alot of $ to spend but i'll do what I can for the little sweetie.
So glad you and MG are moving in together!