Sunday, July 15, 2007


One of the benefits of being private is I can now show pictures of my nephews without fear of getting nasty emails saying I am exploiting the poor babies on my perverted blog. So, here are some pictures I found while packing more this afternoon. They are so cute and damn do I miss them. I have 4 nephews total: Neko 13 (gasp....a teenager), Alec 5, Austin 3 and Parker 1 1/2. I have pictures of Neko and Austin, but today only found pics of Alec. I am sure once I get unpacked at the new place I will be posting pictures of Austin and Neko. I have never met Parker, so I have no pictures of him.
This is Macguire and Alec. Macguire is my cousin Joel's son. Alec and Macguire are just 3 months apart. Joel and his wife used to dress Macguire up like a little adult. It was so cute and he always had the cutest hats.
Here is Alec at 6 months. Because my brother and his current wife have no stability in their life, they spent a lot of time at my parents. He was so cute and had the cutest personality. He used to love sitting in my lap, sucking his finger and playing with my hair. The last time I saw him he sat on my lap for about an hour doing that.
Here is my favorite picture of me and my Mom. I am guessing this picture was taken in 2002. This was back when life was perfect, at least for them.
L-R: Uncle Jim, Aunt Leslie, Joel, Mom and Dad. I have no idea when this picture was taken and I have no idea why they are blowing kisses to the camera. Maybe they are all kissing me goodbye.


Patti_Cake said...

Caroline what a shame these people are so lost and they don't even realize it. Thanks for sharing. Your nephews are ADORABLE!

Lynilu said...

Wow, those are "blasts from the past" for me! Too bad they don't have you anymore.

Caroline said...

patti--thanks for the compliment on my nephews. all of my pics of them are when they are young. i wish i knew what they looked like now.

lynilu--it really is their loss, isn't it?