Friday, February 02, 2007


Since I have been off work my days tend to blend together. When I first wake up I usually have to stop and think about what day it is.

For the first time since I have been off, I am so glad it's Friday and the weekend. It seems like it's been a very busy week with lots of things going on and lots of running around. And on top of everything else I am PMSing which never makes things easy around here. I am looking forward to this evening when I don't have to go out in the bitter cold and I can just lay around in my PJs for as long as I want to.

When I graduated with my bachelors degree I graduated from a private Catholic college. It seems weird that my parents let me go there considering I was a strict Jehovah's Witness. When I graduated Sister Helen Prejean gave the commencement speech. Sister Prejean is the nun that the book/movie "Dead Man Walking" was based after. I remember her speech was so good and it was that speech that motivated me to go on to get my masters. As an alumni of this college I get their quarterly magazine with the upcoming events. I have never attended one yet. In the magazine that came last week I noticed that Sister Prejean will be at the college to give a presentation on Prisoner Exoneration. Since the summer this is something that has really fascinated Laura. I went online to get tickets for us and it said it was sold out. Damn. Well, we called this morning and because I am an alumni not only will we get tickets, but we will get them for free. Plus, the college is putting on the play "Dead Man Walking" and we also get into that free the next night. I never knew there were great benefits from being an alumni, but I do now.

Hope everyone has a wonderful, warm weekend.


Lynilu said...

Giggle! You've never taken advantage of all those benefits? Actually, check it out. I think you get a few play tickets every year. I rarely took advantage of it because Glenn didn't want to go, but the times I went with others, I enjoyed it a lot.

Have a good, restful weekend, because you're gonna need all the energy you can collect for next week!!! LOL

Laura said...

My hot date nights have turned into brunches. Won't do, Mabel, won't do.

Mystic said...

yay for the free tickets and play! :)

Caroline said...

lynilu--we are really looking forward to it. laura was always so envious that sister prejean did the commencement speech when i graduated. she is beyond excited to see her speak in person

laura--i sorry. i will work on wanting to go out in the evenings

mystic--nothing beats free in my book.

Monogram Queen said...

Great news! You'll have to let me live vicariously through you once again. Me likes free

One Messed Up Chick said...

Oh blogger is back to normal again, finally!!! Thats great about the tickets. Enjoy it!

Syd said...

That's gracious of them. My alma mater only wants money from me.

Unknown said...

That is fantastic!! :)