Monday, January 22, 2007


It has been a very bad morning. We woke up and things were going really well. I was feeling good, Laura was feeling good and we were planning our trip to the gym. I heard several neighborhood dogs barking, including our Sophie. I went out front and noticed two kids waiting to get on the school bus. Then I looked down on the ground. One of our stray kittens had been killed. He (or she) was just laying in the snow. My heart sank. Then we noticed a brown/tan dog in the neighbors driveway.

After getting the kitten off the ground I called animal control. I told them they needed to send someone because this dog had just killed one of our cats. (ok I know it's not really one of ours, but still) They said they would send someone. We tried to catch the dog but he ran off.

I did end up catching the dog and put him in our backyard. I called Animal control back and told them I had the dog in our yard and please send someone out ASAP. I accounted for all the other strays, who by the way are scared shitless.

Animal Control finally showed up and the damn dog was gone. We have a 5ft fence and that son of a bitch jumped the fence and got out.

This dog is in our yard every single day. I didn't think he would hurt any of the cats, but apparently this morning he had a different idea. Animal Control was going to continue to look for him, but I am sure he is back home now. If I see him I am putting him in our garage and going animal control again.

I didn't see this dog actually kill the kitten, but he sure looked guilty. Fucker.

Off to another subject: thank you all for the questions. I am going to be doing a post tonight with my answers. I have quite a few to answer, thanks to some of you plus I need to do some research on one of them.

I am excited because Thursday Laura and I are going on a road trip. We are going to St. Louis for the day. I am thrilled to be getting out of the city. We are going to pick up her new girlfriend. I never thought I would have to share Laura with someone, but apparently I have no choice. Any guesses on what/who her new girlfriend is?


Minnesota Nice said...

I'm suspicious of the dog although it's possible the kitten was hit by a car too...what is up with people who let their big dogs roam loose?? They not only aren't concerned about their dog hurting someone, but they don't care if someone else hurts their dog! Crazy!

Caroline said...

sandra--i don't think it was hit by a car because it's stomach had been torn open, but i guess it's always possible. our neighborhood is horrible for people letting their dogs roam loose. i hate it. we don't even feel we can go for a walk because of all the dogs that just roam.

Casey said...

WTF? Damn dog!! I am so, so sorry. I can't even begin to imagine how horrible it must have been (and continues to be) for you. Dogs should NOT be allowed to roam free (neither should cats that people willingly bring into their lives either (not the strays you are caring for - that's an entirely different situation) but that's a rant for another day).

I'm sorry. I hope the dog is caught and that its owners are dealt with properly.

Lynilu said...

That dog wasn't the one I called Animal Control on, was it? I assume not, or you probably would have been more unglued, knowing it's history. You know, I guess it is nature, but I wish animals didn't have the instinct to kill one another.

New girlfriend? The only thing I can think worth driving to St. L. for is a car. Or for Laura, perhaps a really good bike. Hmmm. I donno!!

Laura said...

You all have brought up quite a few things to think about. Becasue of the blood soiled snow it was pretty evident where the kitten was killed. But Casey, I understand what you are saying. Because of the cats we have inside we knew bringing the strays in was not an option. I feel somewhat guilty because we have fed them, bought them shelter to match our house, etc. We put it off until the kittens were big enough, but I think the time has come, weather permitting, to round up the stray family. You are right. Peace to all.

BTW, Lynn my new girlfriend is gorgeous!

amy h said...

Poor kitty. :(

I'm guessing a bike.

*Mommy Crankypants* said...

Oh no! Poor kitty. :( I'm sorry! I really hope the dog is caught very soon.

Caroline said...

casey--we are keeping our eyes open for this dog. we think we know where he lives.

lynilu--no this wasn't the same dog. if it were i probably would have killed him. btw, good guess

laura--careful talking about your new girlfriend

amy--we feel so bad for the kitty, but there isn't much we could do. good guess on the girlfriend

jodie--thanks for stopping by. we're also hoping it's caught real soon.

Casey said...

I hope you didn't think I meant you should have brought the strays inside. That's not what I meant at all. I've taken care of my fair share of strays that other people neglected, abused or dumped but it just isn't possible to integrate all of the strays that find their way into your lives into your home. We couldn't do that with our last stray - the dogs would have no part of letting in yet another cat so we took care of him the best we could outside and in the garage.

What I meant is people who go out and add a pet to their lives should not let them roam free. Even cats. It makes me crazy to see dead cats on the road and then hear how much they are missed by their families. If they would have kept them inside, they would have been safe. Makes me nutty!!!

Strays are a different story. You can't save the world and you can't have 18 cats in you home. You can only do the best you can. And I think you two are amazing for taking care of cats others have "thrown away".

Laura said...

OH HONEY! I understood what you were saying. There are no worries here. This morning was a terrible sight, and I'm just feeling a bit guilty about not finding them more protective shelter. All is well and YOU never need any clarification on this blog.

Casey said...

I think my heart is going pitter pat and I feel a little "swoon-y". :) Thanks for making me feel better.

(though I think it's just my new glasses that are getting to you. Hee Hee!)

Caroline said...

casey--a message from laura (who is currently wrapped up in the Tennessee game) "hubba hubba"

my question...what the hell is going on??? :):)

Rose of Sharon said...

I guess my other comment didn't go here goes again....

Sorry about the kitten... :(

I know who the new girlfriend is! I just want pictures! :)

Casey said...

Oh nothing.....*whistling innocently*


Caroline said...

sharon--oh i am sure you will be the first to see pictures.

casey--well then...carry on. :)

Casey said...

So that I don't blog-jack your blog, feel free to whisper in Laura's ear that she should visit my blog. I left a comment back to her comment. :)

And FYI: I know who her new girlfriend is. least one of them. But I'm not opposed to sharing. :)

(I really should take these glasses off. I think they are corrupting me.)

Monogram Queen said...

Ooh I am so mad about the kitten. Poor little thing.

I am stumped on the girlfriend... is it a poster?

Jolene George said...

That is just terrible! I'm sorry the dog got out before animal control could pick him up.

Caroline said...

casey--lol. you and laura are too funny

patti--we were pretty upset about the kitty. finding it dead was so hard and so disturbing

jolene--i am sure we will see this dog again. he is always around here. although he was not today. i am sure he was freaked out being in our fence.