Sunday, January 14, 2007

Ice Land

It appears this winter storm that has been beating up on our city continues to do so. We were suppose to get snow this afternoon, instead we are getting freezing rain. Since Friday we have been getting sleet which is not as bad as freezing rain. With freezing rain it sticks on everything and everything turns to ice. Here are some pictures.
My car is frozen shut. We didn't make it out to the gym today because of the weather and I told Laura to prepare herself that we might not be able to get out tomorrow. Temps are currently in the teens and we aren't suppose to get above freezing until next weekend.
Notice all the white stuff. That's all ice, not snow. It's impossible to walk anywhere. Trust me on that.

Here is our back deck. Yes those are still Christmas lights up. I had planned on taking them down this weekend, but they are frozen to the deck. Darn.
Here is the front yard. As I was taking this picture a car drove by very slowly. I saw another car that was not able to get up their driveway.

We pray that we don't lose power tonight. The ice is building up on the power lines and trees which is never good.

Be sure to read my other post from today about our near death experience.


Casey said...

Freezing rain. I know it well. It kept us locked in the house for more than a week three winter ago. Although *now* the memories and photos of trying to get to the mailbox are funny, it was no laughing matter at the time. I'd never seen such a thing - we never had it in Seattle. You have my sympathy. Enjoy being housebound, though. *wink*

SassyFemme said...

That's ice, not snow? Whoa. Do you guys have a fireplace (and wood) if you lose power?

Caroline said...

casey--in 2002 we had an ice storm and i was without power for 3 days. it was horrible.

sassy--we don't, but lynilu has already said we could go into her house if that happens.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Good reason to stay inside where it's safe and warm.

Trop said...

Today's high in East Jesus, VA was 71!

Lynilu said...

(sing-song) I don't live in Missouri, I don't live in Missouri!!!!! Nah, nah, nah!

On my Yahoo home page, I have key cities, those where family and friends live, and except for TL in FL, our temps are the mildest around! We're going to 17 tonight, similar to many others, but tomorrow, our high will be in the upper 30's instead of the teens and 20s.

I love my new home!!!

Stay tucked in and I'll pray for no power outages for you! Brrrrrrr.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is weird when we let the dog outside, and he runs out on what looks like snow, but it doesn't move at all -- solid ice. I'm going a little stir crazy though -- we haven't been out all weekend...

Caroline said...

ragged--yes it is a very good reason

trop--i actually like the cooler weather, but not the ice.

lynilu--i knew you would read this and be thankful that you were no longer living here

amy--that's how we are feeling..kind of like cabin fever. we are hoping we can get out tomorrow

Shannon said...

That's what it looks like from my window this morning!

chapin said...

We have the same look going on here. No snow...just ice. We talked about getting out today but it might not happen. We have to get out tomorrow because work happens. We'll be trying to ignore that fact all day.

Caroline said...

shannon--i bet you have more snow though. i would love to live somewhere that gets as much snow as you guys

chapin--we need to get to the gym today otherwise laura will be very upset.

Shannon said...

Actually, we *just* got a bit of snow this weekend. Before this, we've had none, and still don't have much. In fact, it's been such a warm winter that tulips started coming up! Crazy.

Sonya said...

Looks similar to the weather we are having here... just North of you guys.

Ice is stuck to everything. But we did get a nice blanket of the fluffy stuff. None of it will be voluntarily going anywhere soon. It is only 4 now with a anticipated high of 11, but the wind chill puts us at around 25 below. Kids want to go out and play so so badly but it is just way to cold.

Caroline said...

shannon--i would have thought that with you in canada that you woudl have gotten more snow by now. i guess we should pay more attention to global warming

sonya--i bet your little ones are wanting to go outside. i did as well,but it just too darn cold

Monogram Queen said...

Hmmmm we were almost 80 degrees today. I want some real winter weather! Waaaahhhh!