Monday, January 08, 2007

Another Important Lesson

Today has started out pretty rough with some tears shed. Luckily it has gotten much better and the day is only 1/2 over. I went to the Doctor this morning and it was not one of the best experiences. My Doctor is out because she has breast cancer and won't be back until the end of the month so they had me seeing someone else. I did not like this new doctor. First of all she did not know any of my history and was making me feel bad about my diabetes. To determine if you have diabetes they do a blood test and if your numbers are above 6.0 then you are diabetic. The highest my numbers have been is 6.9. When my blood was tested in October it was 5.8. I was talking to this new Doctor about the chances of me coming off the meds. Her response was, "You will probably never be able to come off of your meds." How encouraging is that???? She then said, "we will never consider taking you off your meds until you numbers are below 6.0." I couldn't remember what my exact numbers were from Oct and I asked her and she look and said, "huh, it was 5.8". Her attitude instantly changed. Suddenly there was a chance that maybe I could come off the meds. Whatever...

I explained to her about not having insurance at the end of the month. I asked her if I could get some samples and her response was "I can give you the number for the companies that make your meds and you can see if they will give you them for free or at a discount." Just not helpful at all. By this point I am in tears and she could care or less.

No "good job" on the weight loss, very normal blood pressure and heart rate. Here were my numbers for today which I think were excellent considering there were 3 major holidays since my last visit.

Weight: Down 16 pounds
Blood Pressure: 124/80 (same)
Heart Rate: 70 (It was 90 in Oct)

They did draw blood and I am anxious to see what those numbers are. I would love it if they were not only below 6, but below 5. I would love to prove that Doctor wrong about my numbers. I am very competitive and if you tell me I can't do something I will do anything to prove you otherwise. I have learned the best workouts are when someone pisses me off. Last Tuesday I had an awesome workout because my family pissed me off. Friday night I was pissed because of the whole insurance thing and went 2.7 miles on the Elliptical trainer and burned 342 calories. I am not scheduled for the gym tonight, but I might just go because I am pissed.

Once I got back to my office I had a call from an insurance company. I had filled out an online form seeing who could give me insurance. Good news: I think I found insurance for $100 less then my COBRA. And this includes dental insurance.

My lesson for today: NEVER doubt God taking care of me.


One Messed Up Chick said...

You really need a vacation don't you? ((((Hugs))))

Unknown said...

There are some drug companies that will send you their drugs for free if you can't afford them.

I am sorry you didn't feel that the doctor suggesting you call the companies was not being helpful.

Hopefully if you contact the drug companies they can get you your scripts at a discount.

Good luck.

Casey said...

I second Elf, contact the drug company and just ask. I see the commercials all the time on tv. What's the worse they can do? Not help. Well ok - and you aren't any worse off but what if they CAN help? How great would that be??

Sorry the appointment was icky. Hang in there and you are right: Never Doubt God. :)

Caroline said...

eye--yes a vacation is so needed

elf--it just wasn't what she was saying, but her whole attitude towards me.

casey--all through the appt. i kept thinking "i can't wait until my regular dr comes back"

Pregnant In Texas said...

AMEN, woman!! You rock. Just know that you totally rock. NEVER doubt that!

Lynilu said...

Sorry the sub-doc was insensitive. Having a fill-in is always stressful, I think. When I went in about my wrist just days before I was to leave KC, I saw a very nice doc (I think it is who Laura sees), but it wasn’t MY doc, and I felt some stress over that, even though she treated me better than you describe. Yeah, contact the drug company about assistance. Most of them have programs to help with situations like this. You’re probably a good candidate for their programs, especially now as you enter your “temporary retirement.” Isn’t that a cool term? Temporary Retirement. Yeah!

Caroline said...

pregnant in texas--wow, thank you for the compliment. i love hearing that I rock. you made my day..thanks

lynilu--i love the term temporarily retired. just love it

Rose of Sharon said...

I'm so sorry about the idiot doctor. I had a similar experience with my first endocrinologist and let me tell you, it was a complete nightmare. He put me on insulin and I suffered for 8 months, why? Because I cannot use insulin. I have having hypoglycemic attacks and even went to get second opinions from two different CDEs (Certified Diabetic Educators) and they agreed with me that insulin was not suitable for my treatment. He simply didn't care. Finally I found another endo and she is truly wonderful. You need a doctor who actually listens.

Anyway, your numbers are FANTASTIC! And you are doing an excellent job with your diabetes so far. Keep at the workouts and things will definitely get better.

I've been dealing with diabetes since 2004...if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me!

I'll tell you one thing though, your A1c will never be below'd be in bad shape! 5.8 is excellent and almost to non-diabetic levels I think. There are scales that tell you what the A1c equates to, but most endocrinologists want you below 6.5 and the ADA guidelines are for diabetics to be below you are doing great.

Caroline said...

sharon--thanks for all the information re: diabetes. my normal doctor is very good and does not make me feel stupid in any way. and thanks for the offer to talk anytime i have questions. it's good knowing i have someone that can help me when i have questions.

Anonymous said...

my A1C has been below 6 for over 2 years (It was 9.6 when I was diagnosed). I've lost 50 pounds and take the lowest dose of Diabetic meds that there is. When I was first diagnosed I was on a high dose combo med 2 twice a day. I have a great Doc and she has explained that I probably will never come off of my meds. I test daily and exercise as much as I can motivate myself to do. The holidays were hell with the food, but I am back on track. Think of the Diabetes as a constant reminder to take good care of yourself. If you take care of yourself, you'll stay healthier than most non-diabetics and live longer too. I've been dealing with this for 3 years now. Deal directly with the manufacturer of your meds - many of them will help, but not all. Sorry about your bad doc experience. We in health care shoud always remember that our affect effects patients more than what we say. Your Wayside Waifs friend.

Caroline said...

anonymous--welcome back. i have missed your comments. thanks for the encouragement w/ the diabetes.

Rose of Sharon said...

Anonymous is exactly right with this: "If you take care of yourself, you'll stay healthier than most non-diabetics and live longer too."

I didn't want to say this before, but this is the truth: once you've been diagnosed as a diabetic, you will always be a diabetic. It was a hard pill for me to swallow. It doesn't mean that you can't get off meds and treat your diabetes with just diet and exercise, it just means that you're a diabetic who doesn't need medications to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

Fortunately for you, it sounds like you were diagnosed rather early and can get to non-diabetic levels easier than some of us.

I've never been healthier in all my life than at this moment and I am still on 3 different diabetic meds and numerous other meds to delay or stave off kidney problems (my dad had endstage renal disease and was on dialysis for years until he died). I will probably NEVER be able to get off medications but I have come to terms with it.

I believe I am healthier than most let's see if I can live longer!

Sorry for clogging up your comment board!

Caroline said...

sharon--i can't thank you enough for all the information you have given me. thank you, thank you, thank you.

Monogram Queen said...

That doctor sounds like a complete b*tch. I HATE it when I get stuck with a doctor I don't like. Rarely happens, but it happens. Hugs honey. You're doing great

Anonymous said...

"Good job!" I'm sorry it isn't the doctor saying this! Positive feedback is so important, and you should have gotten it -- you really seem to be working hard (and seeing results).