Sunday, December 31, 2006

A New Year

I'm not real sure where this year has gone, but it appears that there are only 7 hours left of 2006. The older I get the faster time seems to go. It just seems like yesterday that we were welcoming in 2006 wondering how the year would go. There were many surprises this year as well as a lot of tears over lots kitties, parents that continue to hate more then love and continued dental problems.

But this year there was more laughter then all tears combined. I've never been with someone where I can have such serious conversations one minute and then the next minute we are laughing at something so hard we are crying.

There are several things I want to accomplish in 2007.

*I want to continue working on my health. With my mandatory time off I want to spend as much time at the gym as my body will allow me. I want to go off all my meds completely and be back to the weight I was before I got married.

*I want to really enjoy the time I will have off from work. I want to do more then watch tv. Maybe read some books that I have been wanting to read and finish painting the bathroom.

*I want to go camping more this year. Camping is one of my favorite ways to travel. I love feeling so close to nature and sitting by a campfire at night.

*I want to become more patient. I have very short fuse and there are many times I react to something in a manner that is not always good.

I hope each of you have a wonderful 2007 as well. All of you are my friends and I appreciate each and every one of you.

Here's to 2007!!!


SassyFemme said...

Happy New Year to you both, and hoping the new year brings much love an happiness to your lives!

Casey said...

Happy New Year!!!! May the year bring you all the good things so richly deserved.

One Messed Up Chick said...

Happy New Years to you both! I hope the new year is the greatest for you both!

Lynilu said...

Happy New Year!

Minnesota Nice said...
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Minnesota Nice said...

Seems like painting projects are 99% thinking about it and only about 1% doing it. Once you start, it's done in a flash. I don't know why we procrastinate it so much.

(reposted because I'm typing really badly today!)

Caroline said...

sassy--thank you so much sassy. we also hope 2007 is a grand year

casey--happy new year to you as well.

eye--we are planning on 2007 being the best year...ever

lynilu--happy new year to you as well..we miss you

sandra--so true. i figured if I put that painting the bathroom in black/white then maybe i would get it done. we'll see...

Anonymous said...

Happy new year, Caroline and Laura! I know you have some good times ahead!