Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Please Get Out and VOTE

I was so committed to voting today that I got up even though I was feeling 100% worse then yesterday and I VOTED. There were long lines and for some reason there was only 1 voting machine. Usually there are at least 4. I opted to vote by paper this year because I knew I couldn't wait in line for the one machine. I voted and headed home for the comfort of my own bed, a bowl of chicken noodle soup and some cold medicine.

This morning Laura woke up with a throat so sore she can barely speak. She is walking around the house cussing me out. I am blaming someone at my office because he was out sick for two days last week. Laura for some reason seems more content with blaming this on me.

Today our day will be filled with lots of hot tea, a couple cups of Theraflu and lots of daytime TV. BTW, if you are fans of The Amazing Race, be sure to watch The View. Rosie makes sure David and Mary (the coalminers) from The Amazing Race don't go home empty handed even though they were eliminated this week. It's one of the most touching shows and we sat here crying as she made all their dreams come true.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for voting, you a fine American.

Unknown said...

Oh no! I was so hoping you would be feeling better. I'm sorry that isn't the case today. :( But wow! Good for you for still getting out there to vote!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Get some rest with your honey and I hope you both feel much, much better tomorrow.

Shephard said...

Visiting from Sandra's...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, and I admire your voting dedication.

I voted.

I watch TAR, and I missed The View, but I can only imagine how Rosie helped them. I liked the team, and was routing for them.


Caroline said...

anonymous--thank you for the compliment

casey--i was hoping i would be feeling better also..and things just got worse when laura got up and was sick.

shephard--thanks for stopping by. rosie did an amazing job at making their dreams come true. it was awesome

SassyFemme said...

Sending you both get well wishes!

Oh, and I voted after work today. Good 'ole lever machines still exist, I think they're older than I am!

Zoe said...

Are you on the front or the tail end of the sick? We are sick again, or maybe it's still. We both got better, and then sick again. We probably shouldn't have gone to the lake over the weekend.

I hope you guys feel better soon.

Ace of Spades said...

I am sick too and have lost my voice from my throat being so sore. It bites. Hope you get feeling better because I feel your pain.

Love the Amazing Race. That was the team I was going for and I missed the view but I am so glad that Rosie stepped in to help them out. I am sure she took well care of them. Now I guess I am going for the blondes, even though they are bitches, but they get the job done. LOL

M said...

yes, i voted...... although we didn't have much to vote for here in NC this year. no mayor, no governer, no president...... but still, i rocked that vote.... :-)

Minnesota Nice said...

Good for you, crawling to the polls with your last ounce of energy, you are a FINE AMERICAN!!!!

Caroline said...

sassy--we are hoping we get to feeling better soon as well. this really sucks

zoe--i think we are just at the beginning. i hope it's over soon. i hate being sick

ace--this "stuff" seems to be going around my work as well. i hate it

manda--thanks for rockin the vote:)

discom--we had a good turn out with all the things on the ballot. it was nice

sandra--thank you so much for the compliment. my only goal yesterday was to get up, brush my hair and teeth and go vote