Monday, November 06, 2006

Hit By a Truck

That is how I feel this Monday morning. Remember last week when I was saying how I was not feeling well. By the end of the week I was feeling better so I was sure I had dodged the bullet again. Then yesterday I got up and was congested. I didn't think anything about it. I mowed the lawn and that took all my energy. We sat down at noon to watch the Chiefs game and around 1:30pm I went upstairs and before I knew I was laying down on the bed. 5 minutes later I was under the covers and two hours later I realized I had fallen asleep. Laura came in at 3:45pm and asked if I was ok and she suggested I get so I would be able to sleep that night. I got up, but felt like crap. As the evening went by my throat was hurting more and more.

I woke up this morning feeling like my throat was on fire and it was about to close up on me. Since my schedule is so crazy this month I had no choice but to come to work. I am calling my clients that are scheduled for tomorrow to see if they will reschedule. Even if I can't get a hold of them and still feel like this tomorrow there is no way I am coming in.

I've been here at work for just over two hours and I think I am about to fall with my head on my desk. I ache everywhere. I just want to crawl into my bed and fall asleep. I still have my group to do today as well as another assessment. It's going to be a long day.


Anonymous said...

Well, you are certainly dedicated to your job! I hope others appreciate you. Take care, and feel betterhttp!

Minnesota Nice said...

I hate that burny stinging throat feeling. Feel better soon! Drink lots of honey-lemon tea!!

Casey said...

Oh no - I'm so sorry. I, too, an sick and have been for a few days. It's all I can do to make it through the day with the kids. I hope you feel better soon and can get some time off tomorrow to rest.

Caroline said...

amy--i hate missing work because i want to save my days for vacation and something fun, but it looks like i will be using a sick day this week. i hope my co-workers appreciate me, although i will probably be blamed when they get sick.:)

sandra--great idea with the tea. i dont usually like hot tea, but that sounds good right now

casey--i hope you feel better. i cant imagine being sick with a child, but i guess i should start thinking about what i will do when i am sick and have a child.

One Messed Up Chick said...

I hope you get feeling better soon! Take Care of yourself, better yet, let Laura baby you for a while :)

chapin said...

Hope you feel better soon. Whatever this stuff is it is nasty. I had no choice but to take a sick day today.

SassyFemme said...

Oh no... it seems like people ar dropping like flies to this crud thing. Fran and I were talking tonight about how many people around us at work are sick.

Did you try Airborne when you felt it coming on? I think I'm going to start using it regularly now, trying to ward off what everyone seems to be getting.

Feel better soon!