Thursday, November 02, 2006

Caroline-0 Root Canal -3

I was pleasantly surprised today when I had NO pain during my root canal. The dentist remembered me from a month ago and I reminded her that she had to put two shots directly into the nerve. She remembered. I am pretty sure she "upped" the laughing gas because within seconds I was in a different world. It felt so freakin good. After multiple shots she started working and there was nothing. I was able to release my grip on the dental chair and fade into my own world. I did have a couple thoughts while they were doing the root canal: 1) I am so glad I don't think out loud. Some of the thoughts I had were too funny 2) I kept thinking of Zingers (Kind of like a Hostess Ho-Ho) 3) I thought "I really need to thank the dentist for making sure I was completely numb". Here are some pictures of me once I got home. Laura keeps laughing at me because my entire right side is numb and it looks like I have bells palsy. I don't find her laughing very humorous.
Here I am "trying" to smile
A close up of my very sad looking smile.
I have a date with a Vicodin pain pill and a package of Zingers and within an hour I should be back into my own world. Oh, and thank you all for all your well wishes today. Believe it or not while I was sitting in the chair I was thinking of all my blogger friends and how so nice all of you are.


Unknown said...

Glad it went so well. Enjoy the drugs! :)

One Messed Up Chick said...

Im glad things went well, as well as they could right? :)

Caroline said...

casey--oh, i am so enjoying the drugs :)

onecrazylady--i am also so happy it went well. i don't think i could handle feeling any pain

traci--thank you so much. i plan on enjoying the drugs for most of the weekend

Anonymous said...

i LOVE LOVE LOVE that wonderful gas. i get so giddy and always find myself falling in love with those ceiling lights. the smell of that sweet mask as the gas slowly takes over your body is heavenly. how i wish i had a tank by my bedside. (yeah, its any other nitrous tales....or is it just me who gets like that?

Caroline said...

anonymous--i know the feeling of falling in love with the lights. today i feel in love with the pattern of the overhead light. i just stared at it for what seemed like hours.

Lynilu said...

IT'S OVER!!! HURRAY!!! I know you're in never-never-land by now, and I hope tomorrow finds you feeling much better and smiling like yourself.

Monogram Queen said...

Okay I would have been laughing with Laura. The crooked smile is charming :)

Caroline said...

lynilu--i surely slept like a baby last night and i am very surprised how good i feel today. i probably could have gone to work, but oh well

patticake--i thought my crocked smile was kind of cute as well. that's why i had laura take my picture

Francesca said...

I'm glad you are doing okay and all went well...and super glad I found your blog again!

take care! :)

Nathalie said...

Hi Caroline, Bobbie asked me to stop by and leave you a message to let you know that for personal reasons, she's in the process of trying to unpublish her blog and start a new one. We are having a hard time with it though, since her original one still shows as active and for some reason, won't let us edit it. We changed the URL, the name, everything, but for some reason, it still shows an archive of her posts on justonecrazylady. We aren't sure how to delete it :( She'll be back to post to you to let you and everyone else know what to change the URL to once we figure it out. I hope you are doing well :)