Wednesday, September 06, 2006

MRI Results

Last Thursday I went for the MRI on my back. I was expecting it to be very simple, but it was probably the most painful experience of my entire life. The MRI itself was not painful, but the position they had my legs in was horrible. They put a triangle pillow under my feet while I was laying flat on my back. I immediately had major spasms down my entire right leg. And as you know you are suppose to be very, very still. 30 minutes later I was in such pain that I could barely get off the tiny table they had me lay on. In fact I asked the nurse to give me a few seconds to get myself up off the table. I have learned that getting up on my right side is almost paralyzing.

So this morning my Doctor called with the results. It's not what I wanted to hear. In my lower lumbar I have a bulging disk. Crap. Now starts the process of going to the Orthopaedic Doctor for further evaluation. I have continued with the physical therapy and it seemed to be helping or I have just learned to live with the pain. I don't know.

I don't know how many more signs my body can give me that I need to be taking better care of it. Ten years of neglecting my body has started to show. Laura and I have been walking more and we have decided to go out and get some bikes.

I have to follow through with this change I want to make. I have no choice.


Anonymous said...

Aww..I'm sorry. Back pain is never fun to deal with. :(

Kitty said...

I feel for you, back pain is.....well kinda like a pain in the neck, only lower! LOL

Let me know if there's anything you need. Make that bum of a sister of mine do more too!

You'll love bicycling. I know I do. I gotta get my bike back in working order.

Caroline said...

casey--it is not fun dealing with that's for sure

kitty--lol. i am pretty sure i got this back trouble from doing EVERYTHING around the house. :) (guess i should get everything to sleep on the couch tonight.)

Monogram Queen said...

Good luck honey, get those bikes. We love ours!