Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Keeper Cup

Sunday while we were down at Laura's parents her younger sister Beth was showing us this magazine that she had bought at the grocery store. Turned out it was a lesbian magazine. Beth was showing us all these ads they had in the back for "odd and interesting" items. The following was one of the odd items that we found. I just don't understand this.

It is called the "Keeper Cup" and it is used during your period. It is to be used in place of a tampon. The long tube part is suppose to act as the string. So, that is how you would remove it. The other part is, well, to collect fluid.

Does anyone really use these? I looked on the internet and found that people use the "Keeper Cup" to avoid the traps that the company's that create tampons and pads use to make us keep using the products. For example: there is a myth that some of these companies put fiber glass in the tampons so we will bleed more and in turn need more tampons. Sorry, but I like my tampons and I don't ever see me switching to the "Keeper Cup".


One Messed Up Chick said...

I dont think I could ever use one of those things but I do know people who do. I'll stick with the old stand by and use the tampons!

Casey said...

Umm...gross. It reminds me of the Instead cups. I never could get those in right and they were too messy.

No thanks. *shudder*

Kitty said...

Ok, so I must ask, why was Beth buying a lesbian magazine?

And as far as the Keepers Cup, all I have to say is a plumber must have invented it! LOL They hate a clogged line full of tampons. Do you really think that would be comfortable? NOT But then again, I'm not a fan of ben-wa balls! OUCH!

Anonymous said...


Mrs. Dr. S. said...

No comment... ;)

Monogram Queen said...

No I definitely do not see myself using the Keeper Cup. It sounds sort of gross to me (i'm not a big fan of Aunt Flo) :(

Sublime said...

I'll stick with the tampons too!

Caroline said...

onecrazylady--i don't understand how someone could use this either

casey--i've never heard of the "instead cups". sounds like the same thing

kitty--she didn't realize it was a lesbian magazine until she got it home. i agree..some man invented this..

anonymous--i second that


patticake--i think it sounds gross to me too

sublime--me too

cristin--that's what i thought too. even if i found out they use fiber glass i think i would still use tampons

Isabel said...

Give me tampons and pads please.
The cup.... ewwwww.

Lynilu said...

Once again, I am so glad to be my age!!!!!

Casey said...

Here's a link to show you what the Instead Cup is like: http://www.softcup.com/

Better than the Keeper Cup - at least offers more flexibility. :)

Caroline said...

isabel--my thoughts exactly

lynilu--you're lucky

casey--thanks, i'll have to check it out

Minnesota Nice said...

You actually made me wish I was a man for one brief second there. But then I remembered that I don't HAVE to use the Keeper Cup. Whew!

GAH, that is horrid.

Holly said...

keeper cup?
that's gross.

Stacey said...

I've seen those advertised in the magazines too. I don't personally get it. How long would it last without going to the washroom? How comfortable would that be? I could see wanting to use something reuseable for the environment but I seriously doubt there is fibreglass in tampons. Isn't that supposed to be harsh cigarettes instead? I'm sure someone just used that story and applied it to tampons. You know how uncomfortable that would be? LOL

Unknown said...

Hi, I have used the keeper cup for a few years. I guess i don't view my period or the blood as gross, but for the record it's quite easy to use and actually more convenient than tampons once you switch over. To each her own, right?