Sunday, May 14, 2006

Remodeling Nightmare Continues

Laura and I had grand plans for the weekend. We were going to relax, go fishing, do some shopping and those were all stopped dead in their tracks Saturday morning. As Laura was taking a bath Saturday morning I was down in the laundry room doing some laundry. I could hear her letting the water out of the tub when all of a sudden water started pouring out through the ceiling. I couldn't believe it. I ran upstairs and told her the tub was leaking once again. We were both shocked. We thought we were down with all this shit.

I quickly called the owner of "The Fix-it Guys". Now the owner is a real honest to God ASSHOLE. We have never liked him and we never will. He was the one that called the morning they were suppose to be here to start the remodel and said, "what exactly are we doing at your house?" I should have known then that it was going to be a rough road. Of course, there was no answer. I left a message giving him both our home number and cell phone number. Laura and I went to lunch and two hours later there was still no call. I called the owner again. This time he answered. He said he had called the person that was in charge of our remodel and he should be calling us back. We waited and still no call. Since we have most of the workers cell phone numbers on speed dial I called this guy. He said he could be over this morning to check it out.

K did show up this morning at 10am. He was here maybe fiftenn minutes and replaced the stopper part of the tub. We also pointed out to K that one of our receased lighting in the living room does not work and there is a water stain in our vanity like the sink was leaking. He said they would be over on Wednesday to fix the lighting problem and that the tub and sink were now fixed. Remember their motto is "fix it right the first time". Two hours after K left Laura took a bath and this is what we found in our laundry room. (excuse the shit on the litter boxes. I think the water coming down made a small mess into a huge mess)
We didn't realize there was water until Laura went down to get the clothes out of the dryer and turned on the light and was shocked since water was coming out of the light as well.
We had standing water in the laundry room and enough water came out that it went into the room next door.

Our first response was "those stupid assholes". Laura called the owner back and he said he was going to call K. Two hours later we still didn't have a call. I called the owner back and he said, "I am out of town and I can't get a hold of K. This will have to wait until tomorrow." I then told him that we were done and we were going to cut our loses and the next time they were going to hear from us was going to be in small claims court. He was not too happy about that. I got off the phone and called a plumbing company (RettiRooter) who was here within 45 mintues. Do you want to know what the fucking problem was????????? When K was here today and installed the new stopper for the tub he forgot to tighten it. Can you fucking believe that? Well, the guy from RettiRooter was very nice and did not charge us for the call at 5pm on a Sunday. There are still good guys out there. The guy from RettiRooter did say that we will need to have all the sheetrock replaced in the laundry room because it was soaked. And the sheetrock in the ceiling in the laundry room is double. He said it would have had to be leaking the entire 3 weeks for it to do that. Our mission is to get that sheetrock replaced this week because we don't need any mold. So, that was our weekend. On a brighter note here is some pictures from this week.
Can you tell my baby is glad to be home. I swear he thinks he is human. But I do love him.
We have this cardinal that has "adopted" us. He sits on our back porch and just chirps away. He even walks up to the door when the cats are there are just talks to him. We have named him "Louie" after the St.Louis Cardinals.


Isabel said...

Oh man, at least retti rooter was able to tell you what was wrong once he got there unlike the others. And not too much damage was done.

Cute picture of Ben. :)

Monogram Queen said...

Well I hope this is the end of you remodel hell girls. You don't deserve anymore crap! Ben is a cutie patootie, i'm telling you him & my Spooky could be twins!

Caroline said...

isabel--we are so thankful for reddirooter..ben is a cutie isn't he??

patticake--we are hoping the same thing. the sooner all this is over the better.

Mrs. Dr. S. said...

I *heart* your cardinal. How awesome! Ugh on the remodeling nightmares - hope you get it all resolved soon.

Minnesota Nice said...

Ugh yeah I hope you can replace that wet sheetrock asap, because that will start developing mold. Yuck! Hope this is the end of these issues!!

I adore your cardinal!!

SassyFemme said...

Holy shit, I can't believe all that! Small claims court sounds like a very good idea. Be sure to take pics. and document everything!