Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Last Friday right before I went home Laura called me and said something had happened to Ben, our "baby" cat. She said that she sat down on the couch and pulled the lever for the recliner and it didn't lift up right away and she heard a weird sound. Ben then went running out from underneath the couch with a little bit of a limp. When I got home we couldn't find him anywhere. We looked in every single corner of the house and every closet, but no Ben. I was worried that he was injured and hiding. Well, we went out to dinner and when we got home he was sitting in the kitchen. He seemed fine. Just a little pissed off. And he was nervous and anxious about everthing. Any little sound and he ran off. But it was good seeing him run since we thought it was his leg that was possibly hurt. Ben has always been bow legged. We noticed he has been even more so since last Friday. Well, this morning I picked him up and touched his paw on his right foot. He did not like that. When I looked more I realized he was not putting out his claws in the back on this foot. Looking further at it, it looks like the claw got cut off from the chair. The poor guy. I am needing to take him to the vet, but it has been 4 years since he has been in the car. The last time was to get "fixed". It's going to be intersting getting him in the car and to the vet. He's not going to be happy and I am not looking forward to it one bit. Say some good prayers for Ben. The next few days are going to be very stressful for him and I am sure he is going to think we hate him. :)

1 comment:

Sublime said...

EEEK!! Poor baby Ben...give him a kiss on the head for me. I was a bit frightened reading the start of your post when you mentioned the recliner. My grandma had a kitten that was killed underneath a recliner when the same thing happened. It was so sad and I'm glad to know Ben's fate was a bit brighter. Cats in cars are always fun... good luck to you both!

Take care,

PS - Did you end up buying a copy of The Course? Just wondering...