When I was in college getting my bachelors degree I decided to drop out just 3 semesters away from graduation. I was tired of school and thought I wanted to take a different path than being a social worker. Two years after dropping out my ex husband and I got into a horrible fight one night. I was so upset that I left our apartment and went to my parents house. As I was sitting at my parents house crying, my Mom looked at me and said, "What is it you want Caroline?" Out of nowhere I said I wanted to go back to school to get my degree in Social Work. I didn't think about how I was going to support myself while in school or any of the other details. All I knew was I wanted to go back and finish my degree. Within 3 days I was enrolled back in school. The next two years (because I was starting in August I had to take an extra semester of classes) were the best. I enjoyed every class I was taking and became life long friends with 4 of my classmates.
After my ex husband and I split up in 2000 I decided that I wanted to get my masters degree. Once again I did not think too much about the details, but just stepped out in faith. Not only did I get into graduate school, but I got into the accelerated program which meant I would get my masters degree in just 3 semesters. At the time I applied to graduate school I didn't think about how I was going to support myself while I was not working, but just knew it would work out somehow. I completed graduate school on the Deans List and was always thankful that I took that chance.
The best decisions in my life have always been made by stepping out and facing my fears. Each time I have stepped out and faced my fears head on, the end result has always been rewarding and life changing.
I recently decided to go back to college to finish getting my Bachelor's in English..I decided this on a whim one day, and without thinking about it, applied, got accepted, and I was even offered to participate in the Honor's program. It's been 10 years since I took a class and I'm a little nervous. I'm really scared because I want to go to school full time but I have to work full time to support myself at the same time. But like you, I'm not thinking about the details..I'm just jumping into it. Sometimes it's the only way, right? :)
You are very lucky that you know this. Very lucky! Congratulations on having that courage.
Yeah, sometimes we "think" ourselves into a big mess. If the decision is something that improves life, the first reaction is usually the right one. And dear girl ... what leap of faith are you contemplating now? ;-) Huh? huh?
And I'm glad to see Jen has made her decision. That's been a long time coming but the right one, I'm sure.
Good for you for making those moves. So many people are scared to take risks or tough roads.
I can totally relate! I have no idea what motivated me to go to law school after being out in the work world for some time, but it was the best risk I could have taken at that point in my life!
jen--yea for you. that's great that you have decided this. you know sometimes you do have to just jump right in because if you think about it too much then you realize how scary it is. can't wait to hear all about it
patti--thanks patti. i used to think i was a coward, but looking back on my life and all that i have done...i have some guts.
lynilu--when i have made the leap of faith..you will be the first to know.
holly--isn't it amazing how the decisions we jump into are some of the best decisions...
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