I am not too sure how it happened but the Chiefs managed to get into the playoffs. They play Indianapolis tomorrow afternoon. Along with most of the city, I don't plan on them going any further in the playoffs and I just hope we don't embarrass ourselves and our city too much. Looks like we will be putting another dash in the L column this week. Call me a fair weather fan if you want, but I just don't see it happening. Now, if they were to put in our second string QB who was the starting QB for 6 games because Trent Greene was injured we might have a chance. Since Trent has come back the Chiefs has sucked. Again, just my opinion.
When we moved our phone over to Time Warner one of the benefits we got was Showtime free for one year. Laura and I are really enjoying watching "The L Word". We watched the first two seasons, but lost interest last year and ended up canceling Showtime. Seems we should have kept it. For the last week they have been showing 2 episodes from last season. Tonight we watch the final 2 and we of course are so excited for the premiere on Sunday night of season 4. It's breaking out hearts watching Dana go through all of that. I think I know how this season is going to end and have the tissues all ready.
A week from today I will be saying so long to my job for good. I think I am ready. This morning when the alarm was going off I was wishing it was 10 days ahead and I was able to sleep in. I am sure one week of sleeping in will get tiring real fast. But right now I am looking forward to it. Tuesday is our annual staff Luncheon. Then Friday is our annual luncheon for the coalition that my agency belongs to. Looks like most of the week will be spent out of the office. I am not sure if that is good or bad.
The L Word! I'm so excited about the start of the season!!!! We ordered ShowTime yesterday and we are ready to go!
We own the DVD sets of the first three seasons. :) :)
I agree about the Chiefs. I'm glad they got the chance, but I'm not putting any money on them. About Trent . . . perhaps what you say is true, but I'm also feeling that he has reached his full effectiveness. I think he has "aged out" and should be considering retirement. I like him very, very well, but his age is showing, I'm afraid.
Ah you have a good attitude about the job thing.
Not a fair weather fan just.. realistic hehe....
We are looking forward to the L Word as well. We're like Casey and have them on DVD so we've been reviewing things that happened last season.
I'm crossing my fingers that Larry Johnson scores more touchdowns than Peyton Manning but I don't see how that is going to happen.
We can't wait for the L Word!!!
I am with you on the whole Trent Greene thing. He sucks, we need are second string to come in and take us all the way. Gonna watch it at Minskey's on Barry Road to root them on. Don't know how they made it but lets go Chiefs!!!
Very excited on the new season to start. Cant wait to see Shane.
Chiefs? Showtime? What are these things of which you speak? :)
we have Showtime free for a year, too. didn't know they were giving it to everyone though....... we complained about crappy service and they threw that in the pack. guess i can't complain though....... hope you're doing well!!!!!!!!
I got a "free Showtime" package myself a few years ago, but the movies were so bad on it that I didn't continue it for long before signing on to the more popular HBO. I am glad to hear that "The L Word" is all it is cracked up to be, though.
casey--we can't wait either. we cried like you wouldn't believe at the end of last seasons.
lynilu--i was worried you were going to think i was a fair weathered fan. glad you see it the same
patti--lol patti about being realistic. you are too funny
chapin--i don't see how the chiefs will score more then them either. it may get pretty bad
sassy--we can't either
ace--i am also anxious to see what shane is up to this season
amy--lol. you are so funny. laura and i got a good laugh with your response
manda--we only got it free if we signed a one year contract for phone services. we think it was worth it
slskenyon--i agree..the movies aren't that great on showtime
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