Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Changes & Interviews

I think my good eating habits are back on track this week. Last week was just too emotional for me to worry about Weight Watchers. I used to be addicted to Coke. I would have 3-4 a day. Since starting Weight Watchers I have been mainly drinking water. I have always loved ice cold water, but this past month I have grown to love it even more. It's amazing how the weight comes off when you are drinking enough water. I used to stop and get a Coke in the mornings and then I would drink it all through the morning and then in the afternoon switch to water. Now I start out with water and then maybe have a coke in the afternoon. I feel my focus is a lot better now that I am not drinking so much crap. Yesterday I drank water all day and then when I got home I opened a coke and drank maybe 3 sips and dumped it out. It just doesn't taste good to me anymore. Could this be true? Could I actually be tired of Coke. I know not drinking Coke is really helping my teeth as well. I am sure that is part of what contributed to my teeth going bad so quickly. I love going through the day, not drinking any Coke and getting no headaches. I feel so free of caffeine now.

Most days I bring a sandwich for lunch. Other days I opt for a Subway sandwich. Both are very low in fat and good for my new lifestyle. Today I was sitting and looking at my sandwich thinking "you just don't look good today". I got this overwhelming craving for a salad. I love my salads topped with lots of veggies. The more the better. As I walked out to drive up to the grocery store to get my salad it felt so great having a craving for something that was so good for me. This change feels so good.

Today we are starting the interviewing for Kristie's position. I continue to be shocked at some of the resumes that people send in. The social service field in Kansas City is so small. If you burn any bridges you can consider yourself done in this field. We got several resumes from people that one of us had heard something about and they didn't even have a chance with us. The lesson here: do not burn any bridges if you work in the social work field in Kansas City. We got a resume and are interviewing someone that is part of Promise Keepers. I was a little hesitant to interview this person because people in Promise Keepers are known for not being diverse. I hope that if this person is hired and is still very involved with Promise Keepers then there will be no problems with me being gay. Because then I might just have to kick some ass. There is nothing worse then having to work with someone that has a problem with what I do behind closed doors.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry your sandwich was not attractive though I got up early to fix it.

Minnesota Nice said...

Heh, I think I know who anonymous is. YOU'RE BUSTED!!

When you have a craving you know the caffeine-free diet coke is very good! I always keep that around the house for in the evening when I don't want any more caffeine for the day.

I don't know very much about Promise Keepers but it sounds like trouble to me :(

Caroline said...

anonymous (aka Laura)--why is it the one day you read my blog i have to write that. damn. I LOVE YOU.

sandra--i would rather drink water then diet coke. i have always hated diet coke. thanks for the idea though.

Unknown said...

Promise Keepers. Now there's a frightening bunch of people. Eeeek!

SassyFemme said...

Promise Keepers? Run far, far away, or keep them far, far away. There will almost certainly be problems. They are as evangelical as can be.

LOL about Laura reading your blog! I never know when Fran's reading mine, either!