Thursday, June 01, 2006

Xanax, Diabetes and an Audience

Well this morning was my doctors appointment. I guess overall it went ok. The last couple of weeks I have had some pretty good anxiety. I think running into my Mother really jolted my emotions. About four years ago I was suffering from some pretty bad anxiety and I was given Xanax. I only took it for a few months and it really did help me calm down. Not only is it anxiety, but I feel there is some OCD as well. I will get my mind set on something and not quit until that is done. Laura refers these to my "ADD" moments. So, this morning I went in wanting to ask the doctor for Xanax. Working in the addictions field I know how doctors look down on xanax because of it being addictive. I was hoping they would trust me that I am not addicted to it and kindly give me the RX for it. As I talked with the nurse practionioner she was going through a list of other meds that would also help with anxiety. I explained my worry of the side effects of taking something every day. I just need something that I can take on the days when I am feeling more worried then others. After talking with the Dr., he said no to the xanax and gave me a RX for something else that should help. Let's hope so.

As I was driving to work I became very angry. I am a person with NO addictions at all and I am telling the Dr. what works best for me and they still say no. Hell, I work in the addcitions field and I know that xanax is very, veyr addcitive, but I am not addicted to it. It's not something I need everyday, just those days where I feel more anxious. It's just like when you go to the drug store to get sudafed for allergies and you have to give them your drivers license and personal information. I don't know, it just kind of made me angry.

I was also given a wake-up call about my diabetes. They are now having me check my sugar levels 2x a day. I guess I didn't take it that serious since I was not checking my sugars, but now that they are more serious about it, maybe I will be also. I know not taking care of this can cause life long damage to my entire body.

The orginal reason I went to the doctor was for my "well woman" check up. I didn't realize that there was going to be a student nurse in for the exam. I think if I had known that I might have come up with a reason to cancel the appointment. :) It's odd having your pap smear and hearing a play by play of what is going. At one point my nurse said to the student nurse, "do you see her cervix?" The student nurse then bent over to look and said very enthusically "Oh, yeah!" Talk about embarresing. The exam didn't end fast enough. Thank God, I don't have to go through that for at least another year.


Trop said...

While a resident of Pittsburgh, medical students were frequently looking in on my doctor visits. I got used to it.

My recent physical showed high cholesterol. My glucose was okay, but I worry about it since I am over 40 and over weight. I'm working at lowering my cholesterol by avoiding bad fats, limiting calories and exercising every day. I'm 21 years older than Court and I don't want to be a burden to her when I'm older.

Caroline said...

tropopause--i have never had a student in there during my exam. I hated every moment of it. They also put me on meds for the high cholesterol. It's an everyday fight.

Lynilu said...

Oh-oh! let's see . . . chicken wings, potato wedges with cheese and bacon, pizza, cake, brats . . . I think I see red flags all over the place! I love you, girl, so get it under control. You gotta be around to take care of Laura in her old age, since she is SO much older than you! ;-) Don't tell her I said that!! Like I don't know you will. sighhh.

Just do one change at a time, add the next in a week, etc., and it won't seem so bad. And you can fudge sometimes once you get it stable. But please, take care of you. You are irreplacable.

Caroline said...

Did you really have to give away my eating habits? Plus, it was my b-day weekend.

Minnesota Nice said...

Seems to me you should be given the option re: having a student shadowing your exam. If asked, I might say, "Sure, ok"...but if not asked, it just seems invasive.

One Messed Up Chick said...

Being you know that I have problems with my sugar, PLEASE make sure you take care of your self! Laura needs you and we all enjoy reading your blog, so take care of you!!! (((Hugs)))

Isabel said...

Don't you just love a pap smear. I've never had a student in the room while having my exam.

Take care your of youself all right.

Caroline said...

sandra--we often have social worker students here and i ALWAYS ask the client if it's ok for the student to sit in on the session. i was never given the option

onecrazylady--don't worry..i am getting all of this under control

isabel--i hate getting a pap smear. it was horrible. thanks for the good thoughts

Lynilu said...

But Caroline, honey, I love you! :-) Just had to kid you a bit. I know the past couple weeks have been weird. And don't forget it was your birthday MONTH!! I just want you healthy.

Monogram Queen said...

Well-ll-ll then, I would have been very uncomfortable with a student there during my pap smear. I know they have to learn but how about by eye-balling someone ELSE'S cervix! Oh well like you said it's over with for now. Have a good one sweetie

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